big miss (character death)

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Hey this is a story from my tt acc (the.rookie97) I'm sorry if it's sad, I will give you a virtual hug!! Comment random story ideas. There maybe a few typos and if there is I'm so so sorrryyy🙂

Lucy and Tim just finished their shift. Lucy got called into the office with nyla and Sargent grey. Lucy walked into the office and stood at the door way "what's going on..?" Lucy's heart started pounding knowing something was wrong.

"We need you to do a very important undercover case.. it's a serial killer killing everyone. We need you to be his side chick, his partner so we can catch him at a bad moment and arrest and persecute him. Obviously you don't have to if you don't want to."

Lucy stuttered "wow Uhmm..can I think about it it's ALOT to process, I need to weigh up the pros and cons."
"Oh yes ofc you can, take your time " nyla said.

Tim was stood outside of the office and Lucy walks out with a panicked , shocked and confused expression. "What did they want " tim asked ,his heart beating fast with panic, and held Lucy's hand and walked out of the station. Lucy was zoned out thinking what she would do.

Tim nudged Lucy "earth to Lucy.. what did they say"
"Oh yeah Uhmm.. they've asked me to do an under cover case."
"Who for. What about?"
"They've asked me to do an undercover case to catch the famous serial killer that's all over the news, I don't know what to do.."

Lucy and Tim get into the car, Tim needed to process what he has just heard, he looked at lucy with slightly watery eyes. "I'm not going to control you lucy.. it's your choice but I don't think I want you to do it.."

Lucy looks at Tim.. "they said if it gets over the top they'll get me out, they'll check on me every night. I'll have a secret burner phone I'll give u my number for it too."
"So you're going to do it.?" Tim asks and turns his head so lucy doesn't see him shred a tear.

"I think so.. but if it gets to much for me I'll jump out I promise!"
Tim starts getting panicky because he remembers how Isobel lost her self because of undercover. "Tim.?" Tim ignores her because he was zoned out getting flash backs off Isabell. "Tim.!!!" Lucy shakes Tim.

"What hello, hi?" Tim panicked and answered
"Did you hear what I said?" Lucy asked
"Yes, you said that you will get your self out of it when you are too far in."
"So are you alright with me going undercover." Lucy asked

"Uhmmm.. no comment" Tim said
"Come on Tim be honest with me."
"What's the point on being honest.. you will probably go undercover anyway, if I say no."
"But Tim it's a great opportunity for me!!"

Tim doesn't answer and he Starts the car,
"Do you want take out" Tim asked trying to change the subject.
"Omg yes can we get sushi??"
"Sure. What does Tamara usually get?"
"She gets the sushi share box and shares with me."
"Okay I will just buy two share boxes and we will all share them."
Lucy was happy, "Thankyou!!!" She kisses him.

"I love you too!" Tim said, he gets out the car and goes to grab it. Lucy thinks about going UC more. she finally decides what she's going to do. Tim comes back with the food and puts them in the back seats.
they started having random conversations about food cravings

They get in and they shout of Tamara "Tamara we have food!!!!"
Tamara runs into the living room and says "oooooo Thankyou Lucy"
"No Tamara say Thankyou to Tim he payed for it *lucy laughs"
"Thankyou Tim!!"
"Your welcome.. we have something we need to talk to you about"

Tamara looked up and scared..
" going to go undercover with the famous serial killer on the news. "
Tamara looks at Lucy and tears up "what if you die.. you're the person who saved me."
"I won't tam, if I get to far in the station is going to help me out. It's a massive help to the country he's literally killing a innocent person every minute "
Tamara looks at Tim  "what's your opinion?!"
"No comment."

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