shes lying!! [TW SA]

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"well I'm Tim" Tim smiled to the girl who was next to him at the bar, they were flirting for a while
"Ashley" she smiled putting her hair behind her ear blushing.
"hey- do you mind if I pop to the toilet? Buy me and you a drink off my tab" Tim smiles
"sure of course" she smiles and Tim prods off.

Ashley orders their drinks then puts a pill into Tim's. She smirked.
Tim arrived back "thanks" he smiled to the whiskey as he took a sip.
"well where were we?" Ashley smiled
"I forgot" Tim smirked taking another sip
"well what do you do for work?"
"uhhh I work for the city" Tim nods suddenly feeling weird as the drink hit his stomach.
"cool- I'm a life guard" Ashley smiled.

"Look Ashley, it's been nice meeting's my number- I'm just going to head home and call a Uber" Tim says paying for his tab and stumbling up.
"Woah..I think you had a bit to drink..why don't I get you home" she smiled grabbing his arm.
Tim was skeptical "sure" he nodded hesitantly.

They called an Uber to Tim's place, Ashley walked Tim to his door then suddenly he lost his steadiness..he stumbled into the house.
"look why don't I get you settled" Ashley says mischievously
Tim just nodded as he was out of it, she walked hom to his room and he realised something before coming unconscious
"You-drugged me" he says before passing out and falling on the bed.

Ashley smiled and pulled his jeans off and boxers and she raped him..he was out of it the whole time.

She left in the middle of the night to go back to her place feeling good and her needs was seen too.

The next morning Tim woke up with a pounding head ache..he felt sick he sat up and looked down and saw he didn't have any clothes on below the waist.

He took a shakey breath..everything came back to him- he was drugged then..then raped. He didn't want to admit it, he felt sick to the stomach..he looked on the floor and his discarded clothes were there.

He couldn't face being in his room, he had a shift today..he was only meant to go out for a drink to get his mind off a tough shift he had yesterday...and it turned into this.

He got up grabbed some clothes ran to the toilet and threw up, his guts were let loose into the toilet bowel. He got up and went into the shower, he scrubbed him self red raw to get her dirty hands off him.. he could still imagine her on him..he knows it's just going to go down hill from now. He didn't want to tell anyone- he couldn't tell anyone..he was ashamed as a police officer and a man- how could he let this happen. His dad's right he isn't a man..

Tim got out the shower with red sore skin and threw his clothes on, he didn't grab food..or even a coffee- he didn't want to eat. He looked rough after the drug he was given but he needed to get out the house and get his mind off everything.

He grabbed his phone and realised he only had five minutes before roll call started- better late than never.


He got in and got changed, he kept his head down- he felt like he could snap or break any minute..
He walked into roll call with his head down- as much as he should really be stood a thr front..he couldn't do it, he wants to keep him sed out of as much social situations as he could

"Sargent Bradford finally" grey says from the front...all heads turned as Tim sat at the back..Lucy and Angela and grey giving him concerned looks as he stared at the table.

"okay..I don't think Sargent Bradford is doing roll call this morning...anyway-" grey started roll call and keeping an eye on Tim
"Dismissed- Bradford here now" grey shouts, Tim was zoned out still thinking about everything- he didn't hear grey until grey approached Tim and knocked on his table

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