tam bumps into a old friend

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Disclaimer: I don't know anything about drugs and drug overdoses (a good thing that I don't know ig?) don't come for me if I've got anything wrong.
therookie15 Tamara gets in trouble with drugs because of an old friend.
Keep these ideas coming!!


Tamara was walking through town, going home from babysitting Jack for the wopez-Evers..it was roughly 7:30pm at night and the sun started to set.

"Tam is that you?" Alisha, one of Tamara's old friends from the street asked
Tamara turned around and took out one of her air pods and smiled awkwardly "Yeah it is..hey Alisha"she replies looking Alisha up and down..she is not doing good..

"girl you look like your doing amazing!! I thought you were dead like becca..no one had heard or seen of you" Alisha says bringing Tamara into a hug, Tamara awkwardly patted her back..she smells of alcohol mixed with sweat..

"Yeah..uh I've sorted my life out..I go to college I have a roommate who's like a big sister to me, I live with her and her boyfriend" Tamara explains pulling out the embrace.

"Oh I'm jealous, I'm still living on the streets with the same people, it's not the same without you.! Come on they'll all love to see you" Alisha exclaims grabbing Tamara's arm and dragging her.
"I can't..I have to get home" she says trying to pull away feeling uneasy.

"oh come on tam! It'll only be for like 5 minutes" Alisha says dragging more rough.
Tamara gave in and followed her, they walked to the bridge where she used to live and adapt when she was on the streets.

"look everyone it's tam!!" Alisha called and a few people came over and asked where she's been etc, all of them looked like they weren't even on this planet.

"Come on sit, let's all catch up" Alisha exclaims happily linking her arm with Tamara's and walking to the mouldy, worn out sofa. Tamara grimaced before sitting.

Everyone around her was snorting white powder.. Tamara immediately knew what it was it was cocaine..crack..

"yeah I'm going. I'm not sitting around yall while you are doing this" Tamara says getting up and Alisha pulls her back.
"What happened to the fun you!? You used to do crack all the time" she rolls her eyes.

"I've changed Alisha! Everything has changed!" Tamara snaps trying to get up again but she got pulled back down by Alisha and this boy Tamara used to know called Harry.

"Come on just a little bit..just for a buzz? Then you can go" Harry says with a rough voice and Tamara sighs and shuts her eyes tight..she can't do drugs..not anymore..but she wants to go home..

"Fine." She says and Harry prepares some and puts the white in a thin white line on a cardboard box in-front of her.
"I can't do it" Tamara shakes her head now regretting even coming with Alisha.

"Come on Tamara we miss the wild you" Harry says pushing Tamara on the ground and pressing her face against the white powder "sniff"he demands.

Tamara's eyes watered..she really didn't want to do this..she inhaled through her nose and sniffed the white powder, it burned..a lot..it seemed different than when she used to do it..maybe stronger?

She sits back up and her eyes were watery and her nostrils were on fire..and the buzz kicked in.

she felt off..her heart rate was increasing..she was sweating and she felt nauseous..

"I-I-I have to go.." Tamara says getting up and stumbling away..luckily Lucy's place was only a 5 minute walk from where she was..

She stumbled into the door feeling terrible..
"hey tam, I'm just making dinner Lucy's in the bath" Tim says mixing the food in the pot.

Tamara nods, she was physically sweating and shaking..she couldn't even think straight..she felt nauseous..
"You okay?" Tim asks and Tamara looks at him wide eyed.
"Why wouldn't I be? Why you asking?" She says looking around..the paranoia kicked in.

"Uhh..I was just asking" Tim says raising his brows.
Tamara felt sick..and she felt something coming up..

she puked on the floor and fell and started seizing.
"TAMARA!" Tim dropped everything and ran over, he held her down "LUCY CALL 911" Tim calls, Lucy gets out and grabs a towel and runs through

"WHATS HAPPENED.."then she sees Tamara seizing on the floor with a pile of puke next to her..Lucy called 911 and the ambulance was on its way.

Tamara finally stopped seizing and Tim realised something, he pulled up her eyelids and sees they are huge..they are light flying sources..
"Shit Lucy, she's off this planet! Grab narcan!" Tim snaps
Lucy's eyes widen and she runs to her safe where she keeps a few things in just in case and takes out the narcan and passes it to Tim.

Tim squirts it up her nose "come on tam!!" He snaps..he squirts again and she woke up.
"Tamara!" Lucy breathes out in relief, Lucy quickly puts clothes on.

The ambulance came and took Tamara to hospital. Lucy went with and Tim went in the car.

They arrived and Tamara was put on a drip and she was given narcan and several drugs to drain the toxins out her body and blood.
Tamara fell to sleep.

"Can I speak to you?" The doctor asks Tim and Lucy who were sat next to sleeping Tamara, they both nodded and walked outside.
"It seems she's had a drug overdose on cocaine." The doctor says and Lucy and Tim's eyes widen.

"Gosh what's she got her self into.." Lucy sighs
"We can refer her to rehabs and stuff" the doctor says and Lucy shakes her head "let us talk to her first" and the doctor nods.

They both go back in and Tamara woke up
"Where am I?" She says confused and sees a iv in her hand.
"Tam you overdosed on a drug." Tim states and Tamara brings her hands up to her face and started sobbing.

"I didn't mean to, I got forced by old friends..believe me please.." she sobs and they both sigh.
"We believe you..never do this again please.." Lucy begs.
"I won't..never.." she says and Tim and Lucy arrest the people who forced her to take it.
And Tamara left her past behind and carried on having a good life.

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