what if tim got shot at wopez wedding and not jackson.

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Authors note: sorry for writing sad/ angsty fics guys

'What if it was Tim who got shot and killed at Wopez failed wedding instead of Jackson?'

Angela was stood in the mirror admiring her dress and how it highlights her pregnancy bump..she literally couldn't believe this was happening, she is the happiest she's ever been in her life..she never of thought she would be here right now.

she hears a knock at the door and the door opening behind her and it was her man of honour..her best friend of a decade and half, Tim Bradford. They've both seen each other at their worsts and their bests..and she is so glad he plays a big part in her wedding. He walks through the door and his jaw drops, he was stunned.."woahhh" he whispers shutting the door.

"stop it Bradford I feel enormous" she smiles with watery eyes..she was emotional- she didn't know wether it was because of her hormones or the face it's her wedding day and she's finally getting everything she's ever wanted.

"no no! You look amazing, your glowing- and like I said at the wedding dress store that dress if definitely the one!" He says approaching her, Angela smiles softly and gratefully at Tim.
"Why are you here? You should be setting everything up down stairs" she swats his arm jokingly.
"Tamara and Silas is doing the last finishing touches don't worry..I just wanted to see my best friend- you're getting married, like finally- you deserve a happy ending" he says softly.

"thanks Tim..hey you'll get your happy ending in the end" she says rubbing his arm.
"Don't make this about me, today is a you day- you're becoming a Lopez- Evers..Wesley's a good guy" he says smiling proud of his best friend.

"You don't like lawyers." Angela states and Tim sighs
"I only tolerate Wesley because I'm scared of you" he admits rolling his eyes.
"ahhh that explains why you brought a riot shield and Jackson to my house she winks at Tim and Tim laughs and shakes his head.

"Thanks Tim..for everything" she says bringing him into a hug.
"You're welcome" he says hugging her back.
"Okay get back down there!! Don't make me cry!" She snaps and Tim wipes the tears that started to creep in his eyes.
"Yes ma'am" he nods.

"Do you need anything else?" Tim quickly adds and Angela points her finger at him.
"Breath mints, I can't kiss Wesley with bad breath" Angela says and Tim pulls out a packet out his pocket "here you go, fresh pack" he says giving her it.
"Okay now go!!" She snaps laughing.

"Okay. Weddings in 10." He says leaving and shutting the door. He was walking down the hallway until her felt something cold on the side of his head and someone behind him, he turns his head slightly and the man who wore a mask roars "You move I shoot, you scream I shoot, you even do anything out of line I shoot." He says now covering Tim's mouth with his hand and dragging him away..all Tim could think about was Angela..

Angela put a piece of gum in her mouth and exhaled as she turned to look back into the mirror, in the reflection of the mirror she saw someone with a mask on and a gun pointed at her..she left her gun at home she didn't think she needed it.

She turns and goes wide eyed "Your coming with me" he says grabbing her.
"Get off me" she snaps trying to pull away, he puts a bag on her head and drags her out of the wedding venue..


Bailey, John and Jackson were laughing and talking about how pretty the venue is until Tamara ran up to them with a colourful bouquet.
"Have you seen Tim?" She asks looking around.
"Not recently?" John answers also looking around
"Is that the wedding bouquet?" Jackson asks
"Yeah. I was supposed to give it to him to take it to mrs lopez" Tamara states.

"I will do just that" Jackson says taking the bouquet off her and John offers to go with him.
"Thanks you guys" Tamara says and rushes off to do another job.

John and Jackson goes up to the room Angela was dressing in "Angela it's John and Jackson we have your bouquet" John says looking at Jackson.

There wasn't an answer so John opened the door and realised no one was in there..
"Angela?" Jackson calls out.
They look around until they saw the red bracelet la Feria gave her..
"She's been taken" Jackson states picking it up.
"We need to tell the others.." John says and rushes out the room.


They go straight up to Grey "Grey we have reasons to believe that Angela's been abducted" Jackson says as calmly as he could.
Greys eyes widen "how sure are you?" He asks
"like very sure" John joins in and wade nods and gestures nyla and Lucy to come over..

"what's going on?" Lucy asks and nyla agreeing.
"we think Angela's been kidnapped" grey states and nyla gasps and covers her mouth.
"We need to find out where she's gone" Lucy states.
"We know! Where the fuck is Bradford?" Grey snaps looking around.

He wasn't in sight..
"What if..he's been taken too?" John says and Lucy shakes her head
"we need to find out what's going on!" She snaps.

"What's going on?" Wesley asks coming over and all of them look skeptical.."we have reasons to believe that Tim and Angela have been taken" grey tells Wesley.

"Oh my god..I bet it's got something to do with la Feria and Elijah" he snaps walking off, John was about to go after him until grey stops him "leave him..we won't know anything until we get cctv  footage..let's get back to the station" Grey says and everyone heads to the station.


Grey gets emailed the cctv and he puts it on his computer in his office..everyone braces their selves for what they were going to see..

It was Angela getting dragged into a black van and it speeding off...
Tim was trying to fight the two men that was dragging him, he nearly got out of their grip until one of them pulled the trigger on the gun..and shoved him into the trunk of the car.

Everyone gasped at the gun shot..and their eyes widen..Lucy jerked back at the gun shot and covered her mouth and her eyes started to water..her legs nearly gave way- John had to grab her arm to stop her falling..
Tim was dead...

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