Tamara speaks to tim before she moves out. Post 6x6

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Post 6x6


"well that's the last of them" Lucy says putting the last box in Tamara's blue mini.
"Thanks Lucy..I mean for everything..you gave me a safe home, you gave me the world." Tamara says jumping into Lucy's arms.

"Your welcome t, this home is your home so if you need to come back or anything your welcome."she says tearing up.
"Are you sure you don't mind me moving out..like after Tim breaking up with you..I don't mind staying abit longer" Tamara says feeling worried about Lucy

"I'm fine,you go grow your wings and go, seriously"Lucy says pasting a fake smile on her face, Tamara wasn't convinced so she pulled a box out the car.
"what are you doing?" Lucy snaps
"Moving back in." Tamara sighs and Lucy snatches the box off her and puts it back in the trunk of her car and shuts the trunk.
"If you don't leave in the next 10 seconds I'll pull my gun out at you" Lucy says sternly and Tamara's eyes widened and she chuckles
"Okay..well I wouldn't want that. Love you so much Lucy" Tamara says pulling her into a hug.
"Love you more, now go!" She smiles and Tamara waves and gets into her car and reluctantly drives away.

Tamara drives into town and she was a bit hungry, and she knows that there wouldn't be food at her new shared house as everyone hasn't set up yet so she pulls into where the food trucks were.

She grabs her self some sushi and walks back into her car and that's when someone shouts of her.
"Tam is that you?" Tim shouts and Tamara turns around and sees Tim and Aaron in patrol uniform.

"yeah."she nods giving Tim a death stare.
"I'll give you two a minute" Aaron says walking away, Tamara couldn't be bothered with Tim's bullshit especially because he hurt Lucy and broke her.

So she turned around and walked towards her car, she hears Tim groan and follow her, she was about to pull her door handle open before Tim held the door shut.
"really Tim?" Tamara sighs.
"let's just talk for a minute. Please" Tim pleads and Tamara sighs and glares at him.
"About what? I want to eat my food" Tamara snaps and Tim looks in her car and sees all her belongings.

"You're moving?" He asks pointing into her windows.
"No lucy kicked me out" Tamara rolls her eyes sarcastically, Tim's eyes widen "what?! She can't do that?!" Tim snaps and Tamara sighs
"Sarcasm Tim. Yes I'm moving out" Tamara says putting her take out box on top of the car and folding her arms to look at Tim.

"is she okay..like really okay?" Tim asks fidgeting.
"No Tim she's not. Because a 6ft idiot has broke up with her, and hurt her so much..you were the love of her life Tim and you went to fuck it up with all the lies and the secrets!" She raises her voice and Tim sighs and covers his face with his hands.

"It was for the best..nothing would have been the same tam.."Tim mumbles into his hands and Tamara hits her hand off the car
"So?! Make up with her, explain everything!! So what if nothing will be the same, make it better Tim, make your relationship stronger..she's now alone we've both left her." Tamara rants.

"She won't forgive me tam..she doesn't want to speak to me" Tim says in defeat and Tamara shakes her head
"She's checking her phone all the time to see if you have messaged. Tim..please go make up with her you two are madly in love with each other..it's kinda gross. What were you saying about leaving what happened in the past in the past? Lucy's now your future..Tim go make a future with her, have mini Tim's and Lucy's buy a house together. Please. I hate seeing you both like this" Tamara rants Tim.

"wise words from a teenager" Tim smiles and Tamara smirks
"hey just think if you make up with her I won't be there to walk in on yall" she laughs and Tim blushes and turns red.
"shut up tam" he laughs.

"why are you on patrol and not metro?" Tamara asks looking him up and down.
"Because of I quote 'my reckless actions' I've been kicked off metro" Tim sighs.
"You deserve it, now go make up with my girl Lucy so I can stop worrying about her.

"okay okay! I'll head over after shift" Tim says and Tamara sighs and smiles.
"Thanks. Don't be an ass or mess it up Tim " she says.

"I won't I promise, come here I'll miss you. If anyone breaks in or hurts you or anything you call me yeah?" Tim says bringing Tamara into a hug, Tamara hugs back.
"Will do officer zaddy, now go so I can eat my food!" She says pushing him away and Tim walks off waving at her.

After shift Tim heads to Lucy's with flowers and take out food, he nervously walks to her apartment and knocks on the door.

"Tamara if this is you coming home I'm not letting- oh Tim..uh hi?" Lucy says then opens the door and realises it's Tim.
"hey..I came to apologise and make things good with you" he says giving her flower and showing her the bag of take out food.

"hmmm..well that's a sharp change" Lucy says gesturing him to come in.
"Well maybe I bumped into someone who knocked my head straight" Tim says putting the food on the counter.
"Let me guess tam?" She asks and Tim nods.

"Look Lucy I'm sorry.." Tim starts and Lucy tenses.
"Look I'm sorry too..I understand now why you kept it from me but..it doesn't excuse your behaviour." Lucy says looking at him softly.
"I was only trying to protect you Lucy..look baby I'm so sorry for acting out" Tim says walking close ip to her.
"Look. Why don't we draw a line and..act like this never really happened. One condition, no secrets or lies." Lucy says and Tim nods.
"Deal" he says and kisses her.

Tamara's wise words were right.

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