Pregnancy roulette!!!

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Thanks for the idea @india5948

"ugh why don't we have a girls night?" Angela smiles at Nyla, Celina and lucy in the locker room after shift.
"Sure why not- I could use girl time..Aarons company is great but ughhh" Celina groaned then suddenly turned red as no one knew about her and Aaron.

"WAIT WHAT? AARON?" Lucy shouted
"Did I say Aaron? I don't think I did?" Celina said blushing trying to act dumb
"Hmmhm Celina- please cut the dumb act..and spill!! We are all girls here, it won't go to anyone but us" Angela smirked
"Fine..but later" Celina sighed smiling.

"okay- well I'm feeling a wine and pizza night at my place, tims out with Wesley and grey at the game and Tamara's staying on college campus" lucy suggests
"okay sounds perfect actually" Angela and nyla and Celina agreed.

"okay, come to my place in an hour bring food!!" Lucy smiled shutting her locker and leaving, the other girls following not to far behind.


The four women were sat on the couch eating take out and drinking wine.
"Okay so aaron?" Nyla asked with a smirk
"okay..well we are taking it slow- and I know lucy what you said about dating other cops especially during your probation can effect your title but I don't care! Your dating your old Sargent and TO"Celina explained happily
"she's got a point about Tim" nyla said
And Lucy's head snapped to Nyla and Nyla chuckled and put her hands up in defence.

" slow what do you mean? Has he took you on any dates or.." Angela asked wanting to know the gossip
"he's took me on three, really beautiful restaurants!! Oh and the beach..he's a really good guy" Celina says her eyes turning into hearts.
"God- I thought Lucy was the only person who looked like that heart eye emoji when talking about someone but I guess I was wrong" Nyla smirked
"oh shut up" Celina laughed tipping her head down and blushing

"so after your dates..did yous end up going back to his?" Angela asked mischievously
"ANGELA! I am not talking about my sex life with you" Celina laughed
"okay okay- anyway enough about you and Aaron, lucy how's you how's your relationship with Bradford" Angela asked drinking her wine.

" oh you know"lucy shrugged
"Oh yes I do..I walked in on yous literally eating each other's faces off and doing devils tango in his office" Nyla says dryly drinking wine making lucy turn red.
"LUCY CHEN!!" Celina laughed
"you knock for a reason" lucy shrugged.
"okay-okay as much as I love gossiping I really don't want to know what tim gets up too, I see him more as a brother than I do my actual brothers so please- ew no" Angela smirked pulling a mock disgusted face.

"okay. Well let's watch true crime for a bit" lucy suggests and all the women agree.
Soon later Angela goes to the bathroom because she needed the toilet, she found a box of pregnancy tests on the top of Lucy's cabinet..and a wild idea came to her head.

She grabbed the boxes of pregnancy tests and walked into the living room and dropped them on the coffee table leaving everyone confused.

"why the fuck do you have them Angela?"'lucy asked
"I have a brilliant idea" Angela smirked
"what?" Nyla asked scared
"first of all- when are we all due our monthly's" Angela asked

The women take time to think before they all become wide eyed
"I'm late" the four of them said then suddenly putting their glasses of wine down.
"woah woah much as I love Leah and Lila I am not!!! Not having another baby!!!!" Nyla shouted
"I-i bet Wesley manifested again that man's a wizard" Angela said aggressively.

"okay..well- we could be late to stress you know?" Lucy says trying to reassure them all and her self.
"lets do a PREGNANCY ROULETTE" Angela shouted happier than she should be.
All the women agree and they all head in one by one to take a pregnancy test and put it back into the box and Angela shakes the box.

They set a timer for 4 minutes and they sit there nervously stress eating pizza.
"This is the longest 4 minutes of my life" Celina groans
"for real" lucy agrees.

After four minutes that felt like an eternity the alarm went off, Angela shook the box again and put all the tests out one by one on the counter flipping them all on the right side one by one.

"negative" she read the first one
Her eyes widened when she looked at the second "positive"
her eyes widened again when she looked at the third one "positive" she read out again and the last one was "negative" she says.

"fuckkk two of us is pregnant" Nyla says
"Gosh and who is it??" Celina stresses
"okay okay- it's okay we still have four tests left so let's just re take them" lucy suggests and they agree and they take the tests again.

After 4 minutes the alarm goes off for their second round of tests
"1..2..3 flip" Nyla says and they all flip their tests
"NEGATIVE THANK GOD" Angela celebrated
"oh thank fuck negative " Nyla says greatfully then both of the women's eyes widen when they realise lucy and Celina didn't say anything.

"Congrats mommas join the club" Angela laughed.
"I-I can't be pregnant!! I'm still a rookie!!" Celina stresses with watery eyes
"Woah..I wow- I'm pregnant" lucy says wide eyed and shocked.

"Celina don't worry..the department will help you through your pregnancy, you have 4 months left of your probation so you'll be okay?" Nyla tried to reassure Celina.
"yeah.." Celina nods her head still shocked and watery eyes.

"omg Timothy's going to be a dad!!" Angela smiled
"yeah- we wanted this..OMG IM PREGNANT" lucy smiled happily crying
"Come here" Nyla says for a group hug all the women gather into a hug.

"Lucy now you know you're pregnant can I take your tequila and wine home with me?" Angela laughed and Lucy laughed and  agreed.

Should I do part two?

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