the monsters gone..

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TW- abuse, sh, trauma!!!!!!!!!!!! If these make you uncomfortable do not read.

"Chen get the kit bags I'm heading to the shop" Tim shouts down the empty hallway
"whatever Bradford" Lucy stropped like a four year old.

Tim jumped into the shop and his phone started vibrating. He took it out his pocket and stared at it. It was his fathers hospice, he was debating weather to answer it or not..
He gave in and answered
"hey, are you Tim Bradford? Tom bradfords son?" The polite nurse asked
"yeah this is he?"
"I'm so sorry to inform you but your father passed early hours this morning." The nurse said bluntly
Tim's heart dropped he didn't know weather to be happy to have that monster out his life or sad.
"tha-anks for letting me know bye" Tim stuttered and hung up and put his hands on his face.

Lucy got into the passenger seat realising that Tim was abit distressed.
"hey Tim..what's up?" Lucy said putting a supportive hand on his shoulder
"my dad died" Tim said breathing releif out.
"oh I'm sorry.."
"no Lucy he's a monster." Tim snapped back

"why?" Lucy asked
".." Tim didn't reply
"You don't have to tell me. I'm always here for you though Tim" Lucy rubbed his shoulder and gave him a sad smile
" it's okay. I'll tell you" Tim said starting the car and driving out the garage

"he used to..toot me up on the regular. I moved out at 17 to join the military, hardly even getting good grades in school since you know..I have reading disabilities.. he wasn't like that with genny, I'm not sure if I should resent her for it?! like he admired her, she was smart, good grades, never let him down. Maybe I was a failure?! Maybe I deserved all them glass bottles thrown off me, all them times he used to beat me up until I was black and blue. Maybe that time where everyone was worried that I had a brain bleed because he slammed my head off a wall to hard that I was unconscious?! Maybe I deserved that too. Genny fell out with me because she didn't believe dad was..abusing me..ugh I hate that word."
Tim ranted on to Lucy letting a few silent tears fall, Tim turns around to face Lucy realising she's been balling her eyes out

"No Tim. You seriously didn't deserve all of that.. stop saying you did because you didn't. Your a great man, as much as your grumpy your great and caring and I' so sorry Tim I didn't realise..your childhood was that bad. I'm always here for you Tim, need me at any point of the day call me, text me"
"it's's in the past now..Thankyou Lucy"
"Your welcome" Lucy said
"Thankyou..Thankyou for letting me rant on, I haven't told anyone about it because I don't trust many people out there. Your the first person I've opened up to" Tim smiled happy that he got all that off his chest

They finish the rest of there shift, it was quite quiet today. Tim was out of it all day, he couldn't stop thinking about his father. Shift ended and they got changed and headed out to the car park.
They walked with eachother until they got to their separate cars

"hey Tim" Lucy said
"mhm?!" Tim turned around
"come here I know you need a hug" Lucy said putting her arms out
"I'm fine." Tim replied dryly
"It's okay to be not fine once and a while. You don't need to always be big and tough, come on tim I know you need a hug"
Tim walks over and returns the hug to Lucy, he broke down he started sobbing.
"I'm so sorry Tim, your strong" Lucy said comforting words into Tim's ear while he squeezed her.
Tim was done crying he stood up straight and wiped his tears.
"you okay to be on your own?" Lucy asked
"yeah, Thankyou for all of the support" Tim smiled and drove away in his truck

Tim got home and the first thing he did was walk to his alcohol cabinet and pull out some vodka and whiskey. He had four shots of vodka and a few glasses of whiskey..he forgot count of how many. He was to drunk..his eyes was droopy, he couldn't walk and he didn't know what day it was he was completely out of it until..

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