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" gen stop hogging the bong. " joshua complained, watching the girl lean her head back and blow the smoke out. her hair was darker, almost black. she was thinner, her clothes had less and less colour. not that genesis monroe minded, there wasn't any reason for her to look after herself anymore.

she passed the bong over to josh before looking around the apartment they were in. everyone was drunk, or high. or both. there was more people there then the group expected. the music was so loud you could feel the vibrations from the floor.

" this is good shit. probably the best you've ever got. " atlas said after he took a hit. josh wore a smug smirk on his face as he shrugged.

" i only get the best for you. none of that weak stuff. " there was six of them all taking it in turns. josh, atlas, amelia, dottie, ryker and genesis. they were the most popular group in cousins. when they walked down the hall in school, people pretty much parted so they could get through. it wasn't gens usual crowd, but gen wasn't her usual self and they were there when she was at her lowest.

" is grayson coming, gen? " amelia asked. gen shook her head, taking a swig of her drink. drinking and smoking usually doesn't mix for people, but gens been doing this for the past few months so she's kind of immune by now.

" he's got some girl round the house. " she said shrugging. younger gen would of hated the fact that her brother was now in her friendship group, but gen loved gray so she didn't mind. genesis watched as dottie groaned and rolled her eyes, making everyone laugh.

" still not over your crush, dottie? " ryker asked, swinging his arm around her shoulder and pulling the girl into him. dottie pushed him away and rolled her eyes again, a smile on her lips.

" it's not a crush. i just wouldn't mind kissing his face. " everyone on the couched 'oo-ed' apart from gen who made a disgusted face. that was something she never wanted to imagine.

the night grew later and later. gen smoke more and more. by the time she checked her phone it was nearly five am. she mumbled some curse words as she saw multiple missed calls and texts from grayson asking where she was.

" i better go before grayson has a heart attack. " genesis announced to the group. everyone else had left, leaving just the six friends. they all said their goodbyes before gen got into an uber back to her house.

she got out of the uber, noticing the only light left on in the house was from graysons bedroom. gen mentally prepared herself to his complaining as she made her way up the drive. it took all of the strength within her to not turn her head and look at the house next door. genesis would rather just pretend it wasn't there. it wasn't hard to do after the amount of weed she had smoked.

she shut the door as quietly as she could, trying not to let grayson know she was back. maybe she could sneak upstairs, get in bed and pretend she had been back for hours.

" you were supposed to be back hours ago. " his voiced scared her and gen jumped around, her hand on her heart.

" fucking hell, gray. " she said, chucking her keys on the table next to the front door. she walked straight past him and into the kitchen, getting herself a glass out of the cupboard. grayson was hot on her trail.

" have you been smoking again? you said you were going to stop? " there was no point lying to him, you could smell it on her clothes so genesis just nodded. she filled the water up and downed the whole thing. that was one disadvantage to smoking, gen always got so thirsty after. she tried to drown gray out as best as she could whilst her lectured her on smoking.

" you smoke? what's the big deal? " gen was on her second glass of water now, turning around to face her brother.

" i'm older then you. and i don't smoke it as much! " his excuse meant nothing to gen. she didn't care. to her there were bigger issues in the world then this.

" you're older by one year. " gens casual tone must have sent grayson over the edge. she watched as his whole demeanour changed from angry to concerned.

" what has gotten into you? " graysons voice was soft. gen rolled her eyes, placing her glass into the dishwasher.

" imagine if mom and dad found out about this. what would jeremiah and conrad think? " gen wasn't sure what feeling rose into her chest, anger? sadness?

" mom and dad aren't here! and neither are Jeremiah and conrad. so who gives a fuck. " she decided to go with anger as she walked past grayson and up the stairs. all gen wanted was her bed.

" i give a fuck gen. and so does everyone else! " he was following her up the stairs but gen didn't waste any time as she attempted to shut her bedroom door. it nearly closed before graysons hand slammed on it, preventing it from shutting anymore.

" you're not the only one that's hurting gen. mom and dad are trying to work through there shit, susanna is gone. " you could hear the pain in graysons voice as he spoke. it made gen shut her eyes and let out a shaky breath.

" i just want my sister back. " gen took one more glance at him before slamming the door shut. no matter how many times she tries to escape reality, it's going to catch up with her at some point.

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