Chapter 1

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It's hard to judge people around me. Who's the bad people around here? It was the Yale campus. A ton of people swarmed around me carrying tons of luggage. As to me, I am carrying one bag that is the size of a small dog. I looked around to see if there were any people that look as if they are going to hurt me. So far, all I see is the typical high school cliques being made again. I am sorry, but all these girls screaming and these guys chest bumping made me want to barf. It reminded me how much the real world is just like high school.

I made my way towards the dorms, but then I felt someone grasp my wrist. I looked up and saw this guy hiding a knife in his pocket. I had to get out, I had to get to my safe dorm room. I twisted my arm around, making him let go, I kicked him in the place where the sun does not shine, and I ran as fast as I could. I opened the doors to the west wing and found my room. I reached in my bag, trying to find the keys. This guy is an assassin, which means he will not give up. I finally found the key and I opened the door, finding the person I thought I'd never see again.

"Lilly?!?" I scream, turning into one of the girls I could find outside the dorms. She runs toward me, this was our dream. We graduated together in the honor rolls, with dreams of going to college together. That was shattered because of my mistake.

"Rori?!? What are you doing here?!? Are you okay?!? Are you safe!?!" She screams, damaging my ear drums. I hug her as tight as I can, remembering all the fun times we had.

"I figured I have been hiding long enough. It's time I get my life back to what I wanted," I say smiling. This was going to turn into a great time. "Except I found out he is still looking for me," I say sitting down on one of the beds.

I look up at Lilly's half of the room. On the bulletin board was a picture of us at graduation. Lilly had her red hair curled for the first time, and she hated it. I look at me, the happiest I had ever been. My dad took that picture, and I think that was the happiest he was too.

Lilly sat next to me, "What happened?" I look at her serious face. The last time I saw that face, I was leaving. We were both so sad. It was especially sad for me because she was my last good memory.

I told her what I did after I left. How I got attacked before I found my apartment. How that apartment was an abandoned apartment full of insects, moldy food, and other disgusting things. How I had to get a gun to feel safe. How I got bolt locks so no one could come in. How when I finally got up the courage to come another assassin came. How I finally found my best friend.

By the end we were crying as if we were watching a romance movie. I could feel her gladness that we were basically reunited after a year. I truly thought I would never see her again.

I unpacked my little bag and put it in the dresser next to my bed. "This is way better then the place I have lived in for the past year or so," I say sitting on my bed watching Lilly on her laptop. "What are ya doing?" I say walking over to her. She quickly closed the laptop and smiled. It was one of those smile that you could tell that she was up to something.

"It's a surprise," She says, "Have you gotten your books yet?" She stands up and pulls me up.

"Books?" I joke.

"Let's go get you some, maybe we can get lunch too!" She says, obviously excited.

"Uh well I don't know about that, the whole assassin thing kind of scares me." I say uncomfortably looking out the window. "I am scared out of my mind, I mean, what if one day they actually hurt me." Lilly walks over to me and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Rori, as long as I have known you, you have been the toughest girl ever. You are a black belt in karate for Pete's sake. You are never going to get hurt, no one is going to pass you." She says,   hugging me. I smile, and maybe a few tears rolled down my face.

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