Chapter 2

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Over 15 assassins have tried to kill me these past two weeks. Other than that my life is great, but the whole in danger thing is really starting to bug me. I want to call the police, to put a stop to this madness. I am just afraid I will get in trouble for taking the drugs. I want bodyguards, I want him to stop, I want freedom. I am mad at myself for making that mistake.   

I woke up to a blasting alarm sound. I quickly got up, surprisingly not late that day. I got a shower, put on clothes, then did my hair and makeup.  Lilly made pancakes and we were off to class, meaning hoods up and it was time for some exercising. Lilly has been so supportive of me, well we are basically fighting for my life...

~New Assassin~

"We are going to go a different way this time, instead of trying to kill her from the outside we are going to try it from the inside. That means you have to act like you are interested in being her boyfriend." He states handing me a bottle. I take it looking at him, questioningly.

"What did she do to you that was so bad?" I say as he rolls his eyes. He places his palms on his desk, facing his fingers toward me. He was so close to me that I could smell the alcohol breath.

"Your job is to kill, nothing else," He says with a strait face, "Can you handle that? Or do you have feelings? Do I need to hire another guy?" He says smiling. I needed this money and he knew that, I had to do this.

"I can do this," I say standing up. He straitens his back, him standing up as well.

"I am not done yet, I still have to tell you more information on this girl." He says handing me a picture. "This is Rori Wells." I look at the picture of her, it had to of been a school ID because of the background and posture. She had the typical blonde hair and blue eyes, but something was different about her. Her smile seemed so genuine. She had dimples in the perfect spot on her face. She had the rosiest cheeks, that fit her flawlessly.

"I enrolled you in the same classes as her and her dorm is in the west wing, so I got you the closest dorm possible" He says motioning me to go. This was going to be hard, really hard. Rori Wells was the most beautiful girl, how am I supposed to kill her?


"It's your turn to make dinner!" I hear Lilly. That cruel beast, I had made it the night before, it was her turn. I get up from my laptop and my comfy bed and look at our kitchen. It looked clean as a whistle, why? Because I cleaned it, I washed the dishes, I put the dishes away! She was making me do all the work. Yes she has been helping me a lot but it's not like she has to. I had to pay her back, it was time for me to be the couch potato.

"Come on I am hungry," She says walking into the kitchen. I sit on the counter smiling at her. I put the Chinese takeout box next to me.

"Sorry already ate," I say hopping down, "I have homework to do." I exit the room still awing over her face. Doesn't she know how to cook?

I sat down at my finished essay ready to email it to my professor. It was strange to be done with my work so fast. I had time to actually walk around the campus, still with my guard on of course. I got my phone and said bye to Lilly, who strangely looked like she had not moved a muscle.

Outside was nice and cool. The sunset sent colors through the sky. I sat down at a bench looking at the beautiful view. College students do not have time to do this. It is all work work work, and no look look look. Suddenly I feel someone sitting way too close. I look up and if this guy is an assassin than the dealer is trying something different. He is trying something way different.

~New Assassin~

I finally arrived at the Yale University campus, this girl is smart. I take a look at her/my classes. There are classes on there that even I can't pronounce. I had to find her or else time may run out. This man wants her dead fast, and I may not even be able to find her. I look everywhere for her blonde hair. I look up from the campus map and there she was, sitting on a bench. There was one flaw, she was talking to a guy. I quickly hid somewhere out of there sight. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but their body language said it all.

His arm was around her shoulder. He was leaning in slowly. That man beside Rori had to be her boyfriend, and that meant I can't get closer to her. Suddenly she punches him in the face and jumps on him throwing a few punches. She says something to him then runs off. I guess they are in a fight?

"Hey man you alright, I saw what happened." I say helping him up. He was a typical college jock with the same breath scent as my boss.

"Uh ya, I was just sitting next to her talking. I thought she was into me, but I guess not" He says checking his nose for blood. "Man she's tough," He gets up and walks away. I look at the bench and found her phone, perfect.

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