Chapter 4

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The thing to make that would make somewhat sense would be macaroni and cheese. I am not the type of girl that is too lazy and ends up making the Kraft Mac and Cheese. I make old fashioned macaroni and cheese that was my mom's recipe.

I remember walking into the kitchen, smelling the gooey cheese that made it creamy. My mom would make us eat together at the table. She made macaroni and cheese all the time. Her smile would light up the whole room. I haven't made this recipe since my dad died. Just the smell of it reminded me of my family. Yes, my family was just my parents and I, but it was all mine.

This was calling for desperate measures. It was the only thing I could think of that would fit our story. I put some water in a medium pan and turned the oven burner on. I turn around just in time to see Lilly walk in with Nathan behind her.

"This kitchen is clean," Nathan says showing his smile. He had to have braces, his teeth were so straight, but that didn't explain how white they were.

"Ya I just love cleaning," I say blinking out of my gaze. What? Out of everything, I JUST LOVE CLEANING?!?  I quickly turn around to hide my red face. The recipe, perfect!  I did know the recipe by heart. I love having something of my moms around, plus it gives me time to cool down. This was the first time I was talking to a guy in a while.

I had never ever had a boyfriend before. I have liked boys, but I have never been on a date. I was way to shy throughout school, but I have learned a few things since then. Living in a rundown apartment did teach me a few things. This guy was cute too. I mean on the typical "hotness" scale Nathan would be a nine or ten. He had that brilliant smile, dark hair, and he had a bit of muscles.

I reach up to the highest cabinet, but I had just remembered that Lilly put the box in. Why do I have to be too short!  Nathan walks over to me, I was jumping by this time.

"Need help?" He says reaching up and opening the cabinet. His muscle flexed as pulled open the cabinet.

"The recipe is in the blue box on the right," I say smiling. He looks up and grabs the box. He brings it to my hands. I open it up, and in it was all my mom's recipe's. She was a chef, and she even owned a restaurant. My dad got fired around when she died. We had to sell it to live.

As I am combing through each recipe, remembering when my mom had made it, I see a hand out of the corner of my eye. I look up to see Nathan looking at my blue box, and he was almost touching it. I can't have another guy ruin something special of mine. I turn away and keep looking.

Yes, I did go to a restaurant with a guy. I would not count that as a date. It was in my junior year of high school. This cute guy asked me to go to a restaurant with him. I was so happy, a guy actually liked me for once, or so I thought. I wore this beautiful blue dress that my mom wore when she was my age, blue was kind of her color. I went to the "date" and he never showed. The next day he wouldn't even look in my direction, so I pretended that I didn't care. The truth is that he ruined something special of mine, my heart.

"I was just going to see if I could help find the recipe," Nathan says as I come back from the nightmare memory.

"Oh... sorry," I say, finally finding the macaroni and cheese recipe. I hold it up and smile. The wrinkly paper in the air made me realize how real it was. Right in this very moment I wasn't running from anyone. I felt safe, and happy.

"Um I have to go to, I have um plans," Lilly says backing out of the room, smiling. I shake my head, starting to freak out. She nods and walks out of the door. How is this going to work? Now it was going to be even more awkward. I look at Nathan, still smiling.

"The water is boiling," He says snickering. I change my frown into a smile. I quickly put in the macaroni noodles. Is this going to turn into another horrible date?


Her friend is gone, this plan is working. As she puts the macaroni noodles in I have my hand in my pocket, holding the poison. Her blond hair cascades down her back. She looks at me with those big blue eyes. I smile and look at the card in her hand. She takes some tape and sticks it to the microwave, directly above the pan of macaroni and boiling water.

"We just have to wait for it to cool now," She says smiling, making those adorable dimples show. Why does she have to be so attractive. I nod and watch her put a lid on the pan. "We can go watch TV if you want," She says pointing towards the room next to us. How am I supposed to poison her if we are in the same room? She rolls her eyes, "We can dance, you saw me dance," She says laughing. I laugh and follow her to the other room. She turns on a random movie and we both sit down. I found the perfect time to poison the food.

"I am going to go to the bathroom," I say standing up and walking into the kitchen.


The bathroom is not through the kitchen. I quickly run into the kitchen to see Nathan standing over the pasta with the lid on the counter beside it.

"The bathroom's over there, " I say pointing, still watching him. He has nothing in his hands, and then it happened. The recipe card falls into the boiling water. I instantly break down into tears, I sit down and put my arms around my legs. My mom used that card day in and day out, and now it was gone.


She looked devastated.

"Are you okay," I say slowly. I cannot show her that I knew about her parents. She looks at me with her watery blue eyes. She gets up and opens the front door of the dorm room.

"I think you should go," She says looking behind me. She can't even look at me, is it my fault?

"Are you okay," I repeat.

"I think you know that answer," She says motioning me to go.

"One moment," I say, running into the kitchen and turning the heat off. I walk back to see her leaning on the opened door with her eyes closed. I walk to her and hold her hand. "Let's go to dinner," I say gently pulling her out of the door.

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