Chapter 8

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I looked the prettiest I have ever looked, at least that's what Lilly had just told me.

"Wow, thanks," I say smiling. Looking in the mirror with my hair curled up as much as it could. I wore my favorite necklace. It was a locket that was my mom's. I put in a picture of my mom on one side and my dad on the other. I held it in my hand and smiled. She rolls her eyes and spins me so I could look at her.

"Look at me. This is your night, this is your time to shine," She says with a smile. She picks up my bag and says, "There are dance shoes in the bag, I heard he likes to dance too." I smile and nod then take the bag. If this guy genuinely cares about me I can finally forget about Nathan. Lilly answers the door as I take one last glance in the mirror. I walk out and see Drew standing at the doorway with a perfect smile on his face. He gently takes my hand and we walk out.

"So I was thinking we could dance, then go to dinner. No one likes to throw up while dancing," He says then smiles without showing his straight white teeth.

"I'm guessing that has happened to you before?" I ask him as he opens the door. He laughs while nodding. He gets into the drivers seat and start his car.

"You are really talented you know that right?" He says taking my hand. I start blushing as he drives off. He really knows how to charm a girl. I just hope it will be a good thing.


She looked so different, but the same. Her blond hair was curled into the tiniest 'swirls' ever. She kept holding onto her necklace and that is my key. She was holding hands with that Ken looking guy. At the end of tonight I had to have her hand in mine or I might as well die right now. They walked into a dance studio. I watched her put her necklace in her bag and I had to get it. I walked in there slowly and grabbed the necklace. This night was going to be interesting. It could go good, it could go bad.


He has done it once again. He was holding me above him, and I was nice and steady. I look down at him and he is smiling up at me. He lets me down slowly and takes my hands. He spins me around and pulls me in close.

"You are a great dancer, how did you learn?" He says as our noses touch. I have never been this close to a man before except my dad. I would put my little feet on his big feet and he would hold my tiny hands in his big hands. His smile would beam on my face and I would feel like I was the only five year old girl on the planet.

"I don't know," I say smiling and watching his blue eyes smile back.

"Okay Rori," He says as I spin out of his hold. I look at him and see my dad in his eyes. I went up to him and hugged him. Drew put his hands around my waist like it was natural. "Let's go to dinner," He says slowly. I smile while taking my hand and he led me out of the room. I grabbed my bag then we went to the car. I opened the bag then found no heart locket. I let one tear go and looked at Drew.

"What's wrong Rori?" Drew asks watching my face as I was getting worried. He looks at my neck then his face grows worried as I was.

"I know that necklace is special to you and we will find it," He says taking my hand and smiling. We run back into the dance studio and find it lying on the seat where I set my bag down. Drew walks me back and opens my car door once again. On the top of a glove box was a gun. I instantly back up and look at Drew. He looks at me confused and finds the gun like it was the first time he had seen it.

"When were you planning on killing me?" I ask practically yelling. I grab my bag and start running as fast as I could, which wasn't that fast because of my high heels. I kick them off and look behind me then I was knocked to the grass. I looked at the man, I looked at Drew. He took his hands and put them on my cheeks, lovingly. Like my dad would do when he was about to say I love you.

"I would never ever kill you," He says smiling. He leaned in and kissed me, then onto my forehead. 

"Thanks, I would never kill you too," I say back, trying to cover up my little freak out. I then lay on his shoulder and we both sit there in the silence, watching the stars.


I sat there on the bench a few yards from them. I am really sounding like a stalker, wait I am. She looked happy as she could be. I could see her dimples while her blue eyes wasn't in sight. My plan had backfired.

"You are really turning out to be a nice guy," I hear her say then they kiss once again. I quickly get back to the car and take the gun, this is going to be a lot harder than usual.

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