Chapter 6

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I may seem like a strong woman. I may seem that I am a karate, jujitsu, fighting expert. Sometimes I am that sensitive, blond haired, blue eyed girl. When I had my first kiss it was everything to me, but when he leaned back with that look on his face. When he walked out of that restaurant. That is why I can never show that sensitive side. If I show that sensitive side it always end in disaster.

I opened the door to my dorm and there stood Lilly sitting in the desk close to the door. She looked up with a smile on her face. I shake my head remembering the order of events. I immediately sat my things down and pulled my covers over my head. I wanted to lay in my bed for all eternity.


My boss had to have known. As soon as I kissed her he called me. I had left her and the look on her face was devastating. I couldn't think about it for that long because as soon as walked out the door a black van pulled up and pulled me in.

We arrived at an abandoned house. The white paint was peeling off. The men grabbed me and pushed me in the home. It was the darkest place, everything creaked. I run towards the front door as it closed and I heard it lock. I sigh and look around, the eery feeling was definitely there. I look over to an old stair case as a black figure descended down. Then it went black.


A tear rolled down my cheek. Am I seriously crying over a kiss? I sat up on my bed after about an hour long nap.

"So I take it the 'date' did not go well?" Lilly says sitting down on her bed across from me.

"It ended with me alone again," I say with another tear rolling down my cheek. The salt water dripped onto the jeans I was wearing. All of the water from earlier that night had dried up as to the rug on the floor was still soaking up water like a sponge.

"You know why you were alone again, because you are too good for guys. They cannot handle the great and mighty Rori," Lilly says standing up. She walks over to me, but steps right onto the rug. She slips onto her behind and starts laughing. I can't help but laugh also.

"If that was your way of cheering me up it worked," I say as she stands up.

"Good now what should we do now, eat some food or watch some movies," She says sitting next to me. I smile then stand up and walk over to the kitchen. Ice cream is way better than chick flicks.

"I hate chick flicks and you know that," I say opening the ice cream.

"But I love them, why do you have to be such a Debby Downer!" She says taking two spoons out. I take a spoon and take a bite of the cookies and cream goodness.

"I am not one who likes happy endings, they aren't like real life," I say smiling.

"They are like some peoples life," She says, "Including mine." I roll my eyes and take another bite.

"Well those movies are not like my life," I say remembering my past.


Waking up with a pounding headache isn't the best thing in the world. I looked around and I was in a dorm room. I look around and find my roommate passed out. Probably because of the empty bottle lying on the floor. I put my hands in my pockets and find a paper. This is a warning, do not get too close to her again.

How am I supposed to get close to her when I broke her heart? It was the end of the weekend and the classes were going to start the next day. What is she going to do when she sees me in her classes? I was going to bring my A game. I needed the money and I didn't need someone after me.


I was sitting in agony. Somehow Lilly had gotten me to sit down and watch one of her movies. I would much rather be watching the Avengers than Sleepless in Seattle. Suddenly I hear snoring and look over to see Lilly snoring. The nerve she has to make me watch this mushy love movie! I get up as quietly as possible and switched the movies. Superpowers are tougher than mushy love. I think that's why I like superheros, they are tough.

As the credits started appearing I sat there in awe of what just happened. I hadn't seen a super hero movie since my dad was alive, it was our thing. I got to watch the whole movie without Lilly protesting and covering her eyes during the action scenes. I look over at her and she was laying there, staring at me. How long was she awake? Did she watch the whole movie? I jumped off the couch and landed on my back. She smiled sleepily and got up.

"Good night superhero," She says smiling and walking towards the bed. I roll my eyes and jump into my bed.

"Thank you for tonight, Lilly. It really helped," I smile and we both lay down, in the dark. We hear three knocks at the door. I look over at Lilly and she is already toughing her nose.

"Ha nose goes," She says smiling in the dark. I turn on the lamp and lazily get out of bed. I hear another three knocks as I walk towards the door. I open the door and see the man that I hoped to never see again. Nathan stood there with is perfect looks. I close the door right as he starts talking. I look at Lilly and she is looking right back at me.

"Nathan is standing right there," I say pointing to the door. She rolls her eyes and walks towards me. She pushes me aside and opens the door. I look out of the corner of my eye and see Lilly punch him so hard that he falls to the ground. He stands up, still holding his nose.

"I just need to talk to her," He says with a hint of pain in his voice. I walk towards my bed and sat down, carefully listening.

"Well now you feel some pain that she felt, so go ahead try to make her and yourself feel better," Lilly says pointing to me. "Let me at least get some sleep," She walks back to her bed and pulls up her covers. I still sit there going over what just happened. Nathan walks in slowly looking at me.

"I am so sorry," he says slowly. I open my mouth to say something, but then chicken out and close it. I watch him walk closer, the light only showing half of his body. "I know I messed up and I have regretted it ever since," He says. I couldn't handle this, he already ruined my night once. I cannot have it ruined again. I walk towards the door and open it.

"I think you should go," I say choking on my tears. I was being so sensitive, why? I have no clue.

He looks at me for a couple seconds and then walks out of the dorm. I close the door and let all my tears go. How does he make me feel this way?

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