Chapter 3 ~ A Heartbreak

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A few hours later, Lord Kelson entered Victoria's chambers, "G'day your majesty," he bowed, "Welcome Lord Kelson...Come sit please," Victoria responded, as Lord Kelson sat infront of her. "I caught your wife, Anne, cheating with his majesty, and apparently he wants to make her his mistress," 

Kelson didn't say anything, as he sipped his tea. "But if he does, and she doesn't conceive an heir, she will be tortured and killed." "why are you telling me this your majesty?" Lord Kelson asked, "I know how she treats you Kelson, and accuses you for abuse," Victoria added

 "But if we can somehow make her infertile, she can die, and I can remain as Louis' only wife." "That.. Does seem like a good plan," Kelson stated, "I know someone that can help us," "Okay," Victoria spoke, with revenge in her voice, "Lets lay low for awhile, and after Anne becomes his mistress we'll give her the pills," "That sounds like a good plan," Kelson stood up, "Thank you, your majesty for having me over, but I should be going," He bowed, and left her chambers, as Victoria laid down and sighed. Her maids entered her chambers carrying 2 suit cases, shoes and clothing.

"What's all this for?" Empress Victoria asked, as she stood up. "Remember, you and his majesty is staying at King Henry's palace for awhile," Helen responded, "We picked out afew clothes and shoes we thought you might like," "Y'all don't have to show to show me what your packing, i trust your judgment," Victoria got up, and walked out her chambers, and spotted Louis and Anne talking together, "I'll make you Empress over this kingdom, soon after I get my wife out of here,"

 Louis stated, as Victoria heard him. "I don't care about being an Empress, I'm just satisfied being here with you," Anne replied, as she kissed him. "You're much more grateful than Victoria ever was," Louis smiled. Victoria's eyes started watering, "Why do I still love him"  She wondered, "All he's ever done, is hurt me over the years, I should've left him hungry out on the streets,"  she sighed, and went back to her chambers. "We're leaving right now, get my carriage ready for me," she spoke with anger in her voice, "Yes your majesty." Helen bowed, "Your plan seems like it's working your majesty." "Yes...yes it is," Victoria replied, as the put on her sun hat, and went outside.

Her carriage was already waiting for her, as she sat inside. "WAIT!" Louis yelled out, "Let me ride with you please Victoria." Her maids came out, and placed her luggage on top of the carriage. "I'm sorry your majesty," Victoria spoke with bitterness, "I wish to be alone right now." "If she leaves now before me, then she'll meet with King Henry first, and i know he likes her,"  He tried to enter her carriage, as she closed the door in his face. "I'll see you later your majesty." She smiled, as the carriage started to leave. "Ugh! Why is she like this,"  

After Victoria arrived at Henry's palace, he stepped out to meet her, with his sister by his side. Victoria got out of her carriage, as Henry came over and kissed her hand. "Welcome your majesty," He bowed, "How was your trip?" "It was tiring," She responded, "But I'm glad that I could attend your party." "What about his majesty? Is he coming?" "I do not know," She replied, "He should be here shortly." "Well, since you're already here, would you care to tea with me?" He asked, "I would be honored," she smiled, as he led her to the garden, thats beside the palace. She looked around, and spotted different types of flowers and plants, "Do you like them?" Henry asked, as he pulled out a chair for her to sit. "Yes, I do, these flowers look majestic." Victoria stated, "If you like, I could send you some after you leave." "Really?" Victoria smiled, and Henry tried not to blush. "Ye-yes," he responded, as he sipped his warm tea. "I would like that," She sipped her tea. 

Back at the Palace.

 "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE HORSES ARE SICK?!" Louis yelled, as his servants flinched. "They must've eaten something bad, it'll take about a month until they get better your majesty." "So now Victoria will be alone with Henry for weeks, without my protection," Louis thought, as he sighed, "I guess we'll have to wait then," He went back to his chambers, and sat on the couch, "UGH! This is so frustrating," 

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