Chapter 14 ~ The Divorce

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As Louis and Anne returned back to their chambers, one of Anne's servants Barsheba entered. "Get me and my husband 6 bottles of Victorias personal liquor please," Anne requested, "Your Highness, that's Victoria's whiskey only, you must ask her yourself," Barsheba stated, afraid of what might happen if she did take it. "If something happens and she finds out, then I'll take the blame." Anne uttered, "So go get me and my husband her whiskey,"

Barsheba bowed then immediately left the chambers, and went straight to Victoria, who was in the study room, drinking her warm chamomile tea. "Your majesty," She bowed, "Her Highness, lady Anne requested that I give her and Louis a few bottles of your whiskey, and I knew if I got it, it would anger you." "Then let her get some bottles," Victoria replied, "Add lots of infertility pills... as a lesson," "Yes your majesty." Barsheba bowed, "The divorce is in 15 minutes your majesty are you ready?" "Yes I am," Victoria answered while getting up from her soft seat, and brushed her red dress off. 

Barsheba left the study room and gave the bottles of whiskey to Anne and Louis, but they didn't know infertility pills were added to the drink. 

15 minutes later: 

Many of Victoria's close friends and family came to the church to watch the divorce, since divorces were uncommon in their region they believed it was something everyone should know about.

Everyone took their seats as the priest walked up the steps to the stage and stood behind the pulpit. "Her majesty, Empress Victoria may enter now," The priest called out, as Victoria walked over to the pulpit, wearing a long black gown, with her silky brown her down to her shoulders. 

"His majesty, Emperor Louis may enter," the priest called out, as Louis entered the room, tipsy, with his hair messy and his wrinkly shirt unbuttoned. People stared, surprised and astonished. 

"Your majesty, do you have anything you want to say about his majesty?" The priest asked, looking straight at Victoria. She sighed and looked at everyone watching, "His majesty the emperor, was a alcoholic, abusive, and controlling man," Victoria stated. "As we can clearly see, he's even drunk right now," She turned and looked at Louis, who innocently tried to keep his balance. 

"He cheated on me with my own cousin, because I refused to give him an heir, even though he tried to force me when I was sick." Victoria's eyes filled with fake tears, "He locked up many women because they wouldn't sleep with him, and nearly put them to death." Louis listened to her speech while placing his hand on the pulpit. "And- I just found out that he lied about being in a royal family, he was a slave boy, who somehow pretended to be a prince from a foreign land."

"Well...uhm-" the priest cleared his throat, "Since his majesty wanted to divorce you, I wont ask him why, and since he lied about his background I will request to the higher-ups that his title is to be removed." Louis stood there, not saying a word as the priest gave Victoria a sheet of paper. "Sign this to show that your agreeing to divorce Louis." The priest uttered as Victoria grabbed the paper and immediately signed it. 

"Ehem.. From this day forward, our beloved empress and emperor are no longer a married couple." The priest stated with joy and immediately the main doors swung opened.

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