Book 10: Back to The Capital, Xiang'An

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The setting sun bathed the distant hills in shades of gold, casting long shadows over the barren landscape. After travelling for so long, the gates of Great Bei's capital were within sight, the anticipation in the air was palpable.

"Brother we've finally returned. This suffocating journey will finally end."

Hei Weiyu cried wiping the nonexistent tears from his eyes.

Travelling alone was tiring but having to mediate between both Qin Ruisheng and their elder brother was enough to give them nightmares.

If they were not being sarcastic with each other, they would be in a tense silent battle. People around would also feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Ahh Weiyu~ some things are better left unsaid."

How could Hei Weiyu know that his luck was so bad. The two people that were the cause of the suffocating journey was right behind them.

"I meant to say suffocating as in I miss the air of the capital. Hahaha!"

Hei Zhiyu shook his head. "Weiyu, even if you want to lie you should also do it properly."

This brother of his really loved to dig his own grave.

After weeks of marching, the troops had finally arrived at the capital, XiangAn, a prosperous city situated in the center of Great Bei. The entire city wall stretched for miles, one couldn't even see where it ended.

Stopping just in front of the towering city gates, there was a large group of people awaiting their arrival.

In the very front was a man dressed in a dark blue brocade robe, his hand holding onto a ivory horsetail whisk, by his side's were half a dozen of officials and ministers.

This type of receiving was usually reserved for imperials or envoys but for a mere commanding general to get this type of treatment, it showed how greatly the Emperor valued them.

"Congratulations on your resounding victory General Hei."

Hei Jinyu swiftly jumped off his horse just a few meters away from the group of waiting old men.

The man in blue was the head eunuch who served two generations of Emperors, Eunuch Sun. He had a solid upright reputation and was widely respected within the palace.

"Thank you, Eunuch Sun. Waiting in this hot weather, truly have troubled you."

Head Eunuch Sun smiled widely, creases forming on the corner of his eyes. His wisen eyes focused on the person approaching from the distance; his once immaculate uniform now bore the scars of countless battles, and his eyes held the weight of the world. Behind him marched a sea of soldiers, their faces etched with determination and resilience, each one a hero in their own right.

He bowed his head slightly,

"To be able to welcome gallant warriors such as yourselves, standing here for even a full day, would be worth it."

Head Eunuch Sun was not a easy person to understand but it was clear as day that the two shared a good relationship.

"The emperor has given down orders, General Hei should come to the Imperial palace only after you had settled your troops."

Hei Jinyu was slightly surprised but he quickly bowed his head in thanks with a fist over the other.

After which, the entire Jiuwei Battalion troops marched west, along the outside of the city walls, towards the west city gate, which was closest to the Hei Manor.

The Hei clan and manor was unlike any other.

They were one of the founding clans who assisted the first emperor of Great Bei.

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