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Y/N's POV:

"If you insist I'll allow it." I said as I turn around to the door."After all I'm your little fucking personal assistant."I mumbled as RF raised a brow at me."What did you say?"He said in a cold way as I turned around to face him in panic because I knew that tone of his."I s-said.. um.. I'm your personal assistant after all.. so.. I n-need to obey all of your orders, hehe.."I said as I smiled awkwardly at him as he nodded not believing my lies. I turned around again to the door to feel relieved.

"(fuck.. I need to stop talking about my thoughts..)"I thought to myself, I turned around to face him again."Anyways.."I started."I didn't even ask you about those two, what are they to you? And why do you three look identical? But.. different style?" I asked alot of questions as he raised a hand for silence as I stop ask questions.

"Can you ask questions one by one? Do you think I'm a robot that can answer your all of your stupid questions at once?" He asked as he put down his hand. I shaked my head as a no.."Good, now ask me a question. But one question only." He said as I thought about it."What are they to you? And why do they look like you but in a different-" I got cut off by him as he put a finger on my mouth to hush me.

"That's two questions, I said only one question didn't I, darling?"He said as I blushed, it was the first time that he called me "Darling" even though he didn't even called me some names like those when Julie found out I was his new partner when they are arguing in his office."(Did he.. just called me darling? Did he? Or I just misheard it?)"I thought to myself as it ended."Y/n." He started as I snapped to my thoughts."Are even listening to what I am saying?" He said as he put away his finger away from my mouth."U-umm.. yeah I did." I said in a awkward tone as his eyes were piercing to mine.

"What did I say?" He asked as I went silent for a moment."Quiet?"He asked as I look down avoiding eye contacts."That's what I thought." He said as he grab my chin and lift it up to make me look at him."I said what is your final question?" He asked as I thought about it." Umm.. what are they?" I said as he let go of me and sighed.

"They are my different version of me".He said."And?" I said as he hold my one of my hands and twirled me and face me to the door."And we need to go back to them and act like we're partner's."He said as I rolled my eyes."Yeah, yeah whatever, this is going to be fine.. so fine.. like totally fine.."I said." But I'm still taking the couch." I said as he look at me."And who said your going to sleep on the couch?"He said as I a raised a brow and look at him.

"Because I want to?"I said as he laughed."Oh my god.. I didn't expect you were an idiot." He said as he laughed as I look at him confused."What do you mean? What's so funny?" I said as he cleared his throat." If your going to sleep on the couch they will certainly suspect us that we are not partners dumbass." He said as he put a finger over my forehead ."So that means you're going to sleep with me." He said as my jaw dropped."No,no,no,no,NO! there is no way I'm doing that." I said as I look away and crossed my arms."Well you have no choice." He said as I look at him.

"And why is that?"I asked." Well idiot, your my personal assistant and you need to obey all my orders, you even said that earlier remember?" He said as I facepalm myself."I'd said that, didn't I?" I said."Yeah, you did."He said."Let's head back they might be thinking what we are doing in here though.."He said as I nodded.

"I don't even want to know of what are they thinking about us in here.." I said as RF grinned." Oh,What kind of it?"He ask as I raised a brow."Well you know.. those partners when they are alone in a room"I said as his grinned grew."Like what?"He teased as I raised a brow at him.

"What do you mean like what?"I ask as he look down at me as he leaned his shoulder on the wall."Well you know, those partners when they are alone in a room together."He teased as I sighed."Don't tell me we're going to do that when we're alone inside your dorm when those two are not around."I said as I turned around the door.

"Well no, and why do you think of that? Do you want to? Because it's look like you want to." He teased as my face went red and turned to face him."I didn't mean like that, and especially I ain't doing that till I'm married!" I said."Noted."He said."I think we need to get back and calm yourself because your face is all red, we don't want them to think about us in here doing something spicy." He said as he opened the door for me."Shall we?"He said as I left the bathroom along with him following behind and closed the door.

"Okay, were back I hope we didn't took to lon- WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE!?" RF yelled as I put both of my hands on my mouth as my eyes widened.

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