007. too stubborn to admit

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february 14, 2023

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february 14, 2023

liked by imzachherron and others

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liked by imzachherron and others

danielseavey it's my best friends bday everyone!!! wishing you the happiest of birthdays libby 🤍 you're my most favorite person in this world. i'm so grateful to have you in my life and that i get to call you my best friend, the last 23 years have legit been my fav. thank you for always being there and supporting me. you're perfect, please never stop being you. you deserve the world. i love you best frienddddd

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2709seaveyfan posting right on midnight 🥹

tomlinsonxherron happy birthday lilli!!
| seaveyraine wait i'm new does she go
      by libby or lilli?
   | tomlinsonxherron @seaveyraine lilli !
      only daniel calls her libby
   | seaveyraine @tomlinsonxherron i
      actually love that

bemyself.marais aw this is so cute

komh_zacharyy omg i saw the notif and thought this was a vday post

komh_zacharyy i forgot it was lilli's bday today as well

lovingcv4ever did anyone else notice she deleted a couple photos from her party post??
   | wdwkillmytime wait she did. the ones
with the guy and then haven and kassy
| wdwkillmytime i wonder what's going on
| lovingcv4ever @wdwkillmytime i'm
assuming her and the guy broke up but
other than the girls having a fall out i can't
think of a reason for them being taken off
| wdwkillmytime @lovingcv4ever hope it
was just an accident.. that groups my fav :(
   | justafangirl @lovingcv4ever breaking
     up right before not only her bday but vday
     is roughhh
   | lovingcv4ever @justafangirl dick move

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