014. i know from experience

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february 20, 2023

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february 20, 2023

"i haven't been honest with you.." liberty blurted out as she pulled away from her.

the two girls were spending the monday evening together at the elder's house since both her roommates had headed out for the night to give them space. and after having a meal together, they were currently hanging out in the living room, a movie playing which neither we're paying attention to, as their lips got to know the other's better.

"what.. what do you mean?" she furrowed, shuffling back ever so slightly so they could look at each other better.

"you know how the other night i said about daniel and i.. and like how we dated in the pass and that?"

"your friend?" charley received a nod from the girl. "of course i remember that conversation."

"um.. we.. we didn't necessarily end things when we broke up.." she confessed with a little hesitation. "i mentioned visiting him in europe.. we sorta done.. non-just friends things.. and it didn't stop there.. it continued on and off for like two years until like mid 2020 when he finally got a girlfriend.."

"okay.." she softly nodded her head. "well does it still happen now?"

"no, no, no," liberty quickly shook her's. "other- well- there was one kiss last week, it was a mistake, i was sad, i had just gotten broken up and had had something to drink so i wasn't really thinking straight and uh.. yeah.. but that's the first time since 2020. and i know there's nothing there between us so.."

"okay, that's fine," charley shrugged, softly grabbing ahold of one of the other's hands as a sign of comfort. "i told you, i don't see a problem with him being your friend... and since we're being honest, i think i should too.. i said how my roommates are my friend and sister.."


"my sister does live here, but the friend is actually my ex-girlfriend.. we broke up like a month ago and our old roommate- a friend of a friend, had moved out not long before and maya was already living here so she just moved into the other room and is staying till she's able to find somewhere new to live- or until we all move out, i don't really mind."

"oh.. okay," the younger nodded. "well if you're okay with me still being friends with my ex, then i can't really be upset that you are too," she somewhat forced a soft smile — feeling a little unsure about it all but not wanting to show it. "i'm sure if she's willing to leave for the night for us to be here alone, she's okay with you moving on."

"yeah, we ended on good terms," charley reassured. "we, just like you and your friend, weren't working out the way we wanted things to. and it all was just starting to take a toll me and we agreed things have changed since we started dating four years ago.. and there's wasn't really any point in putting ourselves through that for life.."

"we're both very supportive of each other and whoever we choose to be with so you don't have anything to worry about. i can introduce you to her when they get home if you'd like.. but maya's lovely, she's very talkative, very kind, very friendly, very comforting towards others, just a perfect human.. i don't think there's a world where i couldn't be friends with her."

"and that's how i assume you feel about that boy.." she continued. "which is exactly why i told you the other day, even without a lot of detail, that i don't mind you still being friends. people move on romantically, people loose feelings, that i know from experience.. so if you still want to, let's just see where things go.."

"yeah," liberty nodded in agreement, with a more genuine smile now on her lips. "i would like to see where things go."

"now come here," charley softly chuckled, moving back closer to the other girl and gently placing her hand on her lower cheek. "i wasn't done kissing you.."

so how do we all feel about the
dynamic of them being friends
with their exes hehe

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