Truth Revealed

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Everyone stood in shock. As what they just heard sunk in. Oscar could feel all eyes on him. Even though Ozpin was the one in control he could still feel all the hostility at his body right now.
He couldn't believe what he just heard. Oscar didn't really know how to feel. On one hand he felt bad for Ozpin but he was also infuriated. Oscar couldn't believe how much Ozpin was hiding from him. He could kind of understand hiding it from everyone else, but from him!? He was the one Ozpin had invaded in.

Oscar couldn't believe all of this had been bestowed upon him. What was he supposed to do? What should he do? Should he take control back of his body?

Then Yang broke the silence, "Salem can't be killed. You all heard her right?"

Ozpin tries to interrupt, " I.."

"There was so much you hadn't told us! Did you really think that was ok!?"

Ozpin looks down in defeat. He sadly looks up with tears rolling down his cheeks, as Ruby asks, " Professor? What is your plan to defeat Salem?"

There was a moment of silence before Ozpin quietly replies"I...don't have one"

That hit Oscar hard.Oscar was shocked that after hearing all that then not even knowing what to do next was scary. He looked at himself uh Ozpin? He didn't know anymore. Suddenly Qrow punches Him hard into a tree.

Ozpin couldn't meet Qrow's eyes as he looked at him.

"No one wanted me. I was cursed. I gave my life to you cause you gave me a place in this world. I thought I was finally doing some good."

Ozpin tries to cut in, "but you are-"

"Meeting you was the worst luck of my life."
Ozpin didn't know what to say. Oscar could feel all his guilt and sadness like it was his own. He was still getting used to it.

"Maybe you're right" Ozpin finally replied.

Then he was gone. Oscar winced as he took control back over his body and felt where Qrow had punched him.

"What happened?" Ruby asked him.

"He's...gone" Oscar told her.


"No this is different, it's like he's locked himself deep inside my head- our head? Urgh I hate this! I WANT IT TO STOP!" Oscar grabbed his head and shook it as if trying to shake Ozpin out.

Weiss worriedly questions, "He just left us?"

"What are we going to do?" Blake says, echoing everyone's thoughts.

Suddenly Maria who had been silent until this time yells, "Enough! We need to get a move on! It'll be dark before we know it and everyone of you is spewing negativity! There's A trail over there, trails usually lead somewhere."

Yang interrupts, " Look, lady I don't know who you think you are but-"

"No buts! I know you are upset. Honestly I'm still coming to terms with the fact that this is humanity's second time around. But if we don't move we die! I'll be darned if I lived this long just to die out here in the cold!" Maria firmly states.

"No she's right." Ruby decides.

Oscar sits there for a while longer. Of course that he had to be the one to get Ozpin out of everyone in remnant.

Ruby walks over to him to give him the cane. Oscar hesitates then asked her, " I'm just going to be another one of his lives aren't I?"

She soberly looks at him, " Of course not, you are your own person."

Qrow walked by, voice laced with bitterness, " Don't lie to him Ruby, we're better than that."

Oscar waits a second for a response from Ruby but she doesn't say anything. Oscar grabs the cane and walks away.

He thinks about what Ozpin kept from them as they walked. All of the lies he told him. Ozpin told him he had nothing to worry about, clearly a lie. Oscar didn't really know how to feel. He tried to keep his mind off of it as they went along the path but he just couldn't shake it from his thoughts.

It was weird not having Ozpin in his thoughts anymore. While he had only been in Oscar for a few weeks, it felt like he had been with him for his whole life. It... Also felt like Oscar had been with Ozpin HIS whole life....

They walked for a little bit longer then found a old, what looked to be abandoned farm. They decided to stay there for the night and leave for Argus in the morning. Oscar hoped the night would go by fast. This place gave him the creeps, he didn't want to stay here for very long.

Oscar woke up from a shattering sound late in the morning. He sat up and looked around. Must've been a bird, he told himself. He yawned ad stretched. Deciding he should probably get up, he went outside to get some fresh air. Oscar found Ruby sitting on the stairs.

He walked over and sat down next to her. "Hey" she said without looking at him.

"Hi. What are you doing out here?" He responded.


"About Ozpin?" He asked her looking at his feet.

Ruby looked at him," Hey it's not your fault, you know that right."

Oscar didn't reply.

"Oscar you can't blame yourself for this. You didn't choose to be here." Ruby placed her hand on his and smiled at him.

He dragged it away from her, " Do you really believe that or are you just saying to make me feel better?" Oscar sighed and walked away.

He went over to a tree and sat down beside it. He used to do this at home a lot, not doing anything just sitting there, thinking. In a way it comforted him. After a while Oscar decided to go back to the house where he found Maria sitting by a small trailer. Reading one of the books she had been reading last night. Oscar looked around, "where is everyone else?"
"Qrow is getting drunk like always and the others went in that well to get the relic." She replied then started reading again.

Oscar wanted to ask more but he decided not to. He sat down and waited.

(ok I hoped it wouldn't be to long of a wait and it wasn't thankfully! Sorry ik this first chapter is kind of crap but I got lazy so yea. Don't worry the next chapters are better, I just wanted to get this out of the way do I can get to the good stuff. I might fix all of this chapter later but don't count on it. If this gets to 10 votes or like 20 reads or something like that I will post chapter two. Edit: thank you for 23 reads I will post chapter two later today)

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