A Broken Heart

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Hazel had left the room, leaving Oscar dangling on what he thinks to be a grim arm that was attached to the ceiling. Ozpin still wasn't back so Oscar knew that Ozpin really was the worst person in the world. Oscar had many bruises and scars along with probably at least two broken bones. Hazel was holding back a little bit because he didn't want to hurt a innocent kid but that didn't mean he wasn't tormenting him. He hurt everywhere and his aura was depleted along time ago. It was starting to recover a little bit since he left, but he didn't have much.
The door opened back up and Hazel came back in. "Oh great" Oscar muttered to himself in a sarcastic tone. Hazel kicked him off the grim arm, picked him up and slammed him into the wall multiple times. "Why don't you just tell me already!? I don't want to keep hurting you." Hazel tried to reason with him but Oscar stayed silent. Hazel sighed, "Your blood is on Ozpin's hands Of course Ozpin would hide behind a innocent child." He kicked Oscar into the wall again then walked to a big spike and broke a piece off. Oscar's eyes opened in terror, with tears streaming down his cheeks.
Why did Ozpin have to come into his life? Of all the people in remnant it had to be him. Why couldn't he just have ignored Ozpin when he first came. His aunt and uncle could've still been alive and Oscar wouldn't have to be caught up in this mess. It wasn't fair. Why did it have to be him?
Just then Oscar felt something, like he knew he could do something to save himself from even worse pain. His brain went back to a conversation he had with team RNJR before everything went south.
"What does it feel like to unlock it?" Oscar asked Ren.
Ren thought about it for a minute before responding, "It's like all of a sudden you feel something, something you know can help you. Sometimes the person uses it without telling it to, other times they know what they can do and how to do it. I didn't use mine on purpose, it just happened."
Ruby stepped in to say something, "I used mine to dodge an attack during training, knowing that I could."
"Cool" Oscar simply stated.
Oscar knew what it was, he had unlocked his semblance. Not really sure what it would do he used it right before Hazel was about to stab him in the leg. Hazel suddenly stopped and let out a horrified scream. Oscar could feel what it was doing, it was changing how Hazel saw the world, making it seem like everything was against him and hated him. Filling him with so much sorrow and dread it hurt him so much it felt like something was physically hurting him. Hazel couldn't do anything to stop it, it just kept coming more and more with each second. It was to much for Hazel to bear, he picked up the spike and stabbed himself in the chest, killing himself instantly.
Oscar was slightly horrified at what he had done so easily. He was stunned in shock. He had killed one of Salem's top dogs just like that. He had just KILLED somebody.But the weirdest part was that he didn't feel hardly any guilt. It felt like a twisted kind of justice for everything that had happened to him.
Just then a voice Oscar hadn't heard since the train crash said his name. Oscar was stunned, not in shock this time, but in anger. Ozpin was back.
'Oscar!' Ozpin shouted at him again.
'I understand you are upset bu-'
'No! You can't come back you can't! You already brought me enough misery, I don't need you to cause more.'
Ozpin was silent for a moment before he simply said 'I'm sorry'
'You don't get to be sorry.' Oscar snapped back.'Everything that has happened to me is because of you. I'm done standing aside and letting it happen.'
'Oscar you need to listen to me'
'I'm done listening to you' Ozpin said something else but Oscar ignored him as he walked out of the room. Everything looked the same as it did in the room, red walls with black goo everywhere. Not really sure where to go he started walking left, running into multiple forks as he did so. Each turn he took felt like he should've gone the other way, it was actually really annoying.
'Oscar.' Ozpin spoke again, with Oscar ignoring him. 'Oscar. Oscar!'
'Just stop! I'm not listening to you, I liked being myself again. Even if it was still awful it was better than having you here to ruin my life, but I guess its already to late for that not to happen since you already ruined it.' Oscar's voice was bitter as he talked to Ozpin with himself getting angrier and angrier.
'I know I suck I really do, but that doesn't change the fact about Sale-'
'You don't get it do you?' Oscar cut him off with a voice like a snakes.
'Wha-what?' Ozpin was clearly confused on what Oscar meant.
'I'm done trying to beat Salem for you, that's not my problem, but I-' Oscar stopped as he turned a corner and came face to face with Jaune.
Oscar stared at them for a moment, not sure what to do. "Os-Oscar? You're alive!?" Jaune exclaimed in disbelief.
Oscar stared at him without saying anything. He didn't want to be around anybody right now especially not Jaune. Ren and Nora were there too, but Oscar didn't notice them. He couldn't deal with this right now, but he didn't have enough aura to use his semblance. Oscar didn't know what to do, he was to stressed out to deal with this.
"Oscar are you okay?" Nora looked genuinely concerned which surprised Oscar, although Nora was one of the people to actually kind of care about him. Again he didn't reply. There faces were beginning to get scared mixed with worry. Eventually Oscar decided to distract them so he could run. Using the little bit of aura he had, he used his semblance to blind them with visions as he ran away.
He ran and ran not knowing where he was going till he reached a dead end. Gasping for breath, he sat down in the corner and cried. He cried his heart out. He had lost everything he ever had all for a stupid wizard that didn't care what happened to him. Oscar couldn't take it anymore, he just wanted to be normal again. Why did this have to happen to him. Why couldn't he just be a normal farm hand again?
He sat there crying for at least 20 minutes before he heard a small voice say his name, "Oscar?"
Oscar looked up to see Ruby standing next to him. He tucked his face into his hands not wanting to admit what he's done. She put her hand on his shoulder and brought him into a hug. He cried there in her arms for a while. Ruby didn't say anything, she just let him cry in her arms till he was ready to talk.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it just happened so fast" He said between each sob in anguish.
"Its ok. You don't need to be sorry" Ruby tried to comfort him but it wasn't working.
"You don't even know what I did." He shook his head, pulling himself away from her.
"Well I'm sure whatever you did wasn't that bad, your a good person"
"I killed someone, Ruby." He looked at her shocked face with sadness, "And I didn't even feel guilty about it" He started crying again.
"I- I'm sure you had a good reason." Ruby recovered herself from the shock and yet again tried to comfort him.
"But I enjoyed it! I liked feeling his fear and agony, it felt like a twisted justice to what happened to me"
For once Ruby didn't really know what to say. She just stared at the ground not knowing what to do. He looked at her for a response, but she didn't have one. "Right, I forgot that none of you actually care about me, but I was beginning to think you did" He turned away from her.
"That's not true Oscar, I-I care about you" under her breath she added, "More than you know"
"Do you actually? Do any of of you even give a crap about anything that has happened to me?" He looked at her for a answer but she just looked down. "I didn't think so"
" I'm sorry you felt that we didn't care about, I don't know about the others, but I do care for you. I genuinely do, you may not think so but I do." Her attempts to make him feel better felt hollow to him. He didn't know who to trust anymore or what to believe, it seemed like everything was against him, waiting till he broke so it could rip him to pieces and leave him to rot.
Hearing Rubie's weak attempts to make him feel better only made him realize how stupid he was, to think any of them at one point EVER cared about him. It was always about Ozpin, they never payed attention to him when they didn't even know about everything Ozpin had done. "I thought that maybe just one person actually admitted to their mistakes and actually cared about the people around them, clearly it was just a childish dream." He clenched his fists in anger. "None of you EVER cared about me, it was always Ozpin, but then once you didn't like him anymore suddenly I was a terrible person too. All I've been is someone that's expandable"
"Oscar, no.. That's not what you are, who you are."
"Oscar please calm down, you know we care about you."
"JUST STOP!" His outburst made her flinch a little, "Stop pretending, please, it only makes it hurt worse" Ruby looked at him with a sorrowful expression while he talked, "You don't know what it feels like to have someone come inside of you and then toss you aside like you don't matter! And then when everyone else does it, it only makes it worse, that feeling of never mattering, like you never existed and never will" He paused to see how she was taking this, "I DIDN'T ask for this, Ruby!" He was trying to fight back his tears but they just kept coming. Everything he had held in for so long was coming out and he couldn't stop it. Oscar was shaking in anger(and a little bit of sadness).
"Don't yell at Ruby! You don't think she hasn't been through a lot too!?" Oscar turned around to see the rest of team RWBY. It was Yang who yelled at him, of course it was Yang, she did like to do that a lot. Oscar glared at her.
"We've all been through a lot! You think you're the only one!?" Yang yelled at him again.
"Why is it always about YOU? Why do you just toss others aside so they can hurt? Its always about you and how you lost your arm, or how you just hate the world!" Oscar was beginning to lose it.
"Hey that's not true." Blake stepped in to defend her.
"And you, its always about you and your problems with Adam!" Just then team JNR ran in.
Jaune had a confused look on his face, "Oscar, there you are!"
"Where did you go?" Nora asked worried.
Oscar was not having it, just the look of Jaune enraged him. "Oscar?" Ren chided.
"Aurgh why do you people just always have to RUIN EVERYTHING!?" Oscar couldn't hold it back anymore, he let all of his built up anger flow out, he relished in it, "Its always about you and your dad" he pointed at Weiss "Its always about you and Nora's relationship!" His eyes went on Ren, before he could say more Jaune's voice cut through with a commanding tone, "Oscar that's enough."
Oscar turned to look at him. He had a glare so full of hate and agony it scared the people around him, they had never seen him so mad before. "And YOU," Jaune flinched at the ferocity in his voice, "All you have ever done is abuse me! You never cared about me, even after that pathetic apology of yours, all I was to you was someone to yell at, to blame when something went wrong. What have I done to make you hate me so much" His voice cracked A little at that last part before retaining his vicious tone, "All I've ever done is help you!" Oscar's voice was getting louder and louder with more anger in it, "I DIDN'T CHOOSE TO BE HERE! I WAS FORCED OUT OF MY HOME TO HELP PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T CARE ABOUT ME!! I WAS ABUSED OVER AND OVER AGAIN FOR SOMETHING I DIDN'T DO!!! WHY DO YOU JUST TOSS ME ASIDE LIKE I DON'T MATTER, LIKE I'M JUST ANOTHER THING TO DO SOMETHING FOR YOU!?! ALL I'VE DONE IS HELP YOU!!!" He wasn't just talking to Jaune at this point, he was yelling at all of them. His voice got quieter as he said, "Look what I got in return for it"
The others were stumped, after realizing everything they had done to him they couldn't even look him in the eye. Ruby was crying and not even Yang looked angry anymore, just guilty. Oscar couldn't handle it anymore, after suffering so much trauma from people he thought were his friends and then by the world, it was to much to bear. He didn't want to exist anymore, he just wanted to rest in peace. Before he knew what he doing he used the magic he had from Ozpin and made a huge explosion. Everything was a bright green-yellow then it turned black.

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh, I'm so happy this chapter is finally done, sorry it took longer than usual this chapter was just like really hard to right. I can't tell you how many different versions I wrote of this. I'm so exited its finally done though! This was intense to right. Does it all feel kinda rushed though? I just feel like it all happens to fast but I couldn't figure out what else to do so sorry, I tried really hard on this. Only 1 chapter left! Then a cool epilogue, and then you have to wait for the new book to come out >:D I hope you're enjoying this! Thank you if you've read all of this <3 Enjoy! Also the chapters are finally getting names!

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