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Chapter 2

They finally arrived in Argus after many delays with grim in particular. Team RWBY had encountered a grim species called apathy, while retrieving the lamp after Ruby had dropped it down a well mostly on accident. Oscar was stuck with replacing a wheel, once again getting pushed back, Oscar suspected this was cause of the Ozpin situation. He hated being the one with Ozpin in his head, but he should make the best of it he tried to tell himself. Soon, he realized he won't have much choice....

Nora saw them and launched herself towards Oscar and bear hugged him, making him fall over on the ground. Her hair got in his mouth and he spat it out shoving Nora off him laughing and smiling at her. At least someone still cared about him besides Ruby, then he reminded himself that she hadn't heard about what they learned from Jin yet.

They all reunited then went to Jaune's sister's house where they ate supper and sat around their living room to discuss what happened. Oscar realized that Qrow was not here for this. Oscar wondered where he went. Ruby and the others all explained what Jin told them. Oscar stepped back for this part and decided to let them handle it Oscar didn't want have to relive it just by hearing it let alone telling it.
Once they got done telling them what had happened Jaune slams his fist into the wall in outrage. "Jaune!" Ruby yells at him.

"All we did was for nothing!" Jaune shouts at her.
Weiss jumps in," That's not true-"
"Really cause it sure feels like it" Nora madly states.
No one said anything. Oscar sighed, " Look we know this isn't great, but we aren't the bad guys here."
"Are we sure about that?" Jaune growls.
Oscar blinks at him in confusion, " What?"
"He's inside YOUR head isn't he!? Did you know about this!?" He continues

"He didn't know any of it-" Weiss once again jumps in.

Jaune angrily walks over to Oscar and shoves him against the wall. " How do we know we haven't been talking to that liar this whole time!? How do we know we can still him!?"

"Jaune!" Ruby glares at him meaningfully as he turns to look at her.

Oscar holds his hands up and backs away as Jaune angrily stomps up the stairs. They all hear a door slam and Yang asks, " Is he gonna be ok?"
"I don't know" Nora replies with anger in her tone.
"I think it might be best if we had some time to ourselves" Ren tells them trying to soothe Nora.
"It might be best if we ALL had some space" Blake who had been silent till that point decides. They all walk away but Oscar stays there and stares where Jaune had left. All of the thoughts Oscar didn't want to think was just said right in his face. He hadn't want to think of these things cause he was scared it would become true.He hopes he can see his aunt and uncle again before it happens.

He leaves the house and walks to a small alley where he sits down and pulls a small paper out of his pocket. He stares at it, tears streaming down his cheeks falling on the paper, A picture of him with his aunt and uncle before he had a voice in his head. He missed them like if he missed a limb that had been cut off. He missed not having the burden of a liar living inside of him. He just missed being....normal.

He always knew he wanted to one day become more than just a farm hand ,but he didn't expect it to come so soon. Oscar didn't want Ozpin in his head. He wanted to choose for himself what he wanted to do ,but he's never going to have that luxury anymore, not with him having a soul that is slowly being merged with someone else's against his will.
Having his soul merged with Ozpin's was one of the things he was scared of the most. No longer being himself anymore.... He just wanted to be normal again.

Oscar sat there crying. He wasn't sure how long he had been there, but he was getting cold and it was already dark. Oscar stood up and walked out of the alley and went to a nearby coffee shop, apparently Argus shops stay open much longer than in other kingdoms.

The coffee there reminded him of the coffee his aunt would make every morning.This only made Oscar miss them more. He sat there for a while thinking about them. He zoned out making him jump when a old man came by and said his name.
"Are you Oscar Pine?" He asked.

Oscar hesitated then answered him," Um yes"
"We've been looking for you for awhile. I'm afraid I don't have very good news, your aunt and uncle have sadly passed away by a grim attack."
The whole world felt like it had just been flipped over. Oscar stared in shock. He couldn't move. The man shook his shoulder lightly. "I'm sorry ,son they seemed like good people. Oh they uh left you this." He held out his hand which had a small emerald green pendant on it.

Oscar stared at it then gently picked it up and set it on the table in front of him. The man said something else but Oscar didn't hear him. He couldn't think clearly everything was fuzzy. Oscar grabbed the pendant and stumbled out of the shop. He could barely walk back to the alley without falling. He tripped and hit his head hard on the concrete. Everything went blurry and then it was black.

(30 reads and chapter 3 will come out. Edit: oh my gosh 42 reads already? Thank you so much)

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