A Green Pendant

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Oscar woke up in a dark alley. He had a pounding headache like a thousand hammers were banging on his brain. He sat up trying to remember what happened. He felt something touch his hand as he moved it. Oscar looked down and saw a small emerald green pendant that was in the shape of a diamond. Suddenly everything came rushing back into his memory.
Oscar laid back down and cried out what must've been the whole ocean. He cried and cried till he didn't have any tears left. If only he had still been there! They wouldn't have died. If only HD didn't have some old professor stuck inside of him he could've still been there and he could've saved them! Heck, the reason they got attacked in the first place was probably cause he left! He was so angry at himself, why couldn't he just ignored it. WHY COULDN'T HE JUST BE NORMAL!
He banged his fist on the ground in frustration, crumbling the paper and throwing it against the wall. He heard what sounded like Nora's voice call out his name. Oscar definitely did not want to be around people at the moment. He got up and went over a short stone wall into the forest, looking around he saw a small rusted old ,what looked like to be a barn. Going inside he looked around and saw a few tools, some rusty buckets, an old green tractor, and a small stack of rotten wood planks. The place appeared to be abandoned. Oscar stood there for a moment before deciding to sit down next to the tractor.
It reminded him of home ,just like the old shack he went in back at the Brunswick farm. This was beginning to become a trend of his, finding old abandoned farms and sitting in them thinking about his aunt and uncle, except it waa different this time cause now they were dead.... And all he has from them is a pendant that he'd never seen in his life.
Oscar sighed. He wasn't really sure what he should do. He guessed he should stay here till he got his feelings sorted out, he would go back in a day or two. They probably won't even care that much. It didn't seem like any of them really cared about him anyways, besides maybe Ruby but that was probably just her being nice, Oscar silently hoped he was wrong about that but he never really tried to convince himself otherwise. He did often find himself staring at her maybe once or twice, Oscar thought slightly blushing. It didn't matter anyways she would never like him back, not someone like him when there were others she could easily get, like Jaune......
Oscar wasn't really sure what to feel about him right now if he was being completely honest with himself. He used to really admire him but now......Well he just wasn't sure about much things anymore.

And he might later regret it

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Oscar woke up with a sigh. He was starting to get really hungry and he didn't have any food in the barn, but he just didn't want to go back yet. Earlier (and maybe once or twice before that) Oscar had thought about taking the train back to mistral ,but that plan was out the window now since he had nothing left to go back to. Maybe he should go back.....
Ugh he hated not knowing what to do. It always left him with a kind of dread in his stomach. He had always looked to the adults for guidance but he couldn't exactly do that at the moment, not in the situation he was in right now. Heck, sometimes people even looked up to him nowadays just because he had a thousand year old man in his brain. Oscar didn't like it (along with many other things).
Maybe I will go back tomorrow that sounds like a good plan, he told himself. He should figure out what to do by then.
〰 〰 〰 〰 〰 〰
He did not know what to do by then. He was even more lost than he was earlier! His head was spinning in circles over and over, it was giving him a pounding headache. He didn't care anymore he was just gonna wing it. He would go back and uh tell them he got lost....uh yeah that seemed like a solid plan. Right? Well he couldn't think of anything else to do so he guessed he had to roll with it.
Oscar stood up and walked over to the entrance of the barn, breathing in the fresh breeze ,the cold of it made him shiver slightly. Oscar walked out putting his arms around himself trying to block out the cold. Walking back to the wall was pretty short but when he got over to the other side he didn't really know where the house was. He tried to think of the night he ran away. He was pretty sure it was that way, he thought looking left.
Sighing he started walking while also looking for the house. He passed by a weird looking bench, that meant he was on the right path, Oscar had remembered seeing it the first time he came to the house. He saw its familiar odd bright orange door. Picking up his pace (as to act like he had really been lost, just in case anyone was looking)
Oscar ran up to it ,knocking as soon as he got close enough to reach it. Oscar doesn't have to wait very long until it was opened by Maria. He was kind hoping it would've been Ruby or Nora but Maria had been kind to him during the train crash, and it was definitely better than if Jaune answered it.
"Oscar! Where have you been? The others have been working their butts off looking for you." Maria exclaimed as she pulled him inside.
"I had gone outside to get some fresh air ,to clear my head when this guy came out of nowhere and stole my money. I chased him into the woods and tackled him. I got the money back ,but then I was completely lost and it took me forever to find the city ,then I couldn't remember where the house was." Oscar explained. It wasn't all a lie he had gotten lost and he did go out side to clear his head. He wasn't quite sure if she bought it but he was so hungry at this point he didn't even care. "Um where are the others?" Oscar looked at Maria expectantly.
" I'd say somewhere looking for you. We ought to go find em." She paused then looked at Oscar, " Well maybe you should get some food, I'm starting to see your bones."
Oscar looked at his himself in the mirror on the wall, he didn't realize that his bones were starting to stick out. He must've been really hungry. Good thing he came back when he did. He followed Maria into the kitchen where she grabbed some sandwich stuff and quickly made a ham and turkey sandwich. He quickly said thank you before biting into his sandwich. It was gone within 10 seconds. Maria laughed slightly at him for this ,but Oscar didn't care ,he was just glad to eat some food.
Maria went to the door and Oscar followed her before she turned around, "You stay here, it seems like you had a rough time out there. You should get some rest." She suggested (but also was telling him to) Oscar hesitated then went upstairs to the room he was staying in before he left. He was glad to get a comfy bed to sleep on versus the hard barn floor. He laid down and grabbed the pendant from his pocket. He held it up and looked at more closely.
It had tiny details in it ,that appeared to be olives? Odd thing to have on a diamond pendant. Oscar soon feel asleep with the pendant still in his hand as he thought about his aunt and uncle.

〰 〰 〰 〰 〰 〰
Oscar woke up a few hours later. He hoped Maria wasn't back yet, he wasn't really ready for people yet. He got up and quietly walked down the stairs ,when he heard the door squeak open, Oscar hurriedly went back up the stairs and started eavesdropping on what they were saying.
"I can tell there is more to what he is telling me but I'm not going to push it any further so I expect you not to as well." Maria was telling someone. " Poor Oscar, it must've been awful being lost for 4 days." Oscar thought that sounded like Weiss or Blake, he wasn't sure which girl it was, he hadn't been around either of them (or really anyone) very much to know. "I still feel bad about what I did.... I didn't mean to I just lost control. I want to tell him I'm sorry." Oscar narrowed his eyes as to what sounded like Jaune's voice come into his hearing. "You can later he's resting right now" Maria's voice ordered. He heard them beginning to walk upstairs so Oscar scurried back into his room before they saw that he was listening.
It sounded like everyone was back, except maybe Qrow. Oscar didn't really care he was just going to go get some more sleep and deal with them tomorrow. With a sigh he turned the light off and let sleep take him.

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