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Wind was rushing through Oscar's ears, his heart was beating faster than lighting, his eyes were staring in fear and shock. I have to pull myself together, Oscar told himself. He reached out for the Long Memory, it felt like something was telling him to, he realized as he wondered why he had grabbed it. Somehow Oscar knew what it could do. Right before he hit the bottom of Atlas he blasted a hole through it using magic stored up inside of the cane. The dark haired boy was shocked for a moment that that had worked.
He was now falling through the sunrising sky. Oscar could see all of Mantle, it was quite beautiful, if he wasn't falling through the sky to his death and if grim weren't running through the city, causing multiple fires and terrozing the city. It was a terrible sight to see actually. Ironwood is going abandon all of this, he realized with a jolt how much the general was leaving behind.
Oscar didn't care anymore. Why should he? All he has done was try to help and look what he got in return for it. He was DONE helping. He tried so hard for them every day, yet it still wasn't enough, all because of something he didn't even do! All he has gotten in return for it is attempted murder, constantly ignored and abused, the only home he had was taken away from him, and not top of all that, being told his life didn't matter, that he was just going to be another Ozpin. Oscar was not going to let that slide. However much time he had before becoming Ozpin, he was going to make sure their life was miserable. They're not real huntsmen and huntreses, they are COWARDS, to scared to admit when they've messed up over and over again. Oscar was going to be the one to make them realize that. No matter the cost.
The ground was getting closer and closer, he had to come up with something to do before hitting it. Thinking quick, he grabbed the cane and made a energy force field of some sorts right before hitting the ground. I made it, I'm alive! He let out a deep sigh of relief as he felt solid ground. All his anger came rushing back towards him after he recovered from the shock. Thinking about how Ironwood shot him he was probably going to tell them Oscar was dead, he could use that as an advantage. No time to think about that right now, I have to find food and shelter. His anger was going to draw grim to him, he had to calm down.
Where had he landed? He looked closer at his surroundings. It looked kind of familiar. He's probably only been hear once or twice. There were faunus walking around? Oh, Oscar knew where he was at, this is where all the faunus in Mantle live. Hmm, he could hide here while he came up with a plan, no one ever comes here, all of Atlas/Mantle are a bunch of racist pansies.
Heavy footsteps sounded from behind Oscar. He narrowed his eyes as he scanned the area for anything to make the sound. CRUNCH, CRUNCH. It was eerie, the feeling of someone watching him was rapidly growing. Quick as a fox, something hit him from behind. He fell over as it grabbed him and slammed his face against the ground a few times before his aura broke, Oscar instantly blacked out.

〰 〰 〰 〰
Something woke Oscar up with a small shake. He opened his eyes to find himself in a dark red room with black goo all along the walls and ceiling. It smelled like a decaying fish. He wrinkled his nose at the foul smell. There was spikes along the border of the room that looked like teeth. A figure was standing in the shadows next to what looked to be an entrance.
"My long lost Ozmau found at last." A sinister cold voice sounded from the shadows. Oscar widened his eyes, suddenly realizing where he was. Something was holding him by his collar. He tried to shake out of its grasp but failed miserably. "So small with this new host of yours, it's a wonder my hound didn't break you." The voice continued, stepping out of the shadows. She was as white as snow with red veins going all throughout her body. She wore a long black dress that opened at her breast with a dark red on the borders of it, her long White hair was done up in a giant bun with black ties around the parts that stuck out. Her whole look screamed evil, but it was her eyes that really made her look so nasty. They were pure black instead of white, her iris was bloody red that seemed like they could look right through you, "How long has it been since we've seen each other face to face like this? And nothing to say."
Oscar stopped struggling, thinking quickly he replied, "I'm sorry the reunion isn't living up to your expectations" His voice was very monotone, trying to mimic how Ozpin spoke when he took over. She stared at him before grabbing his face faster than a snake with her cold dead hand, "You can pretend boy, but your not fully him" she paused for a moment before adding,"not yet at least" With a sigh she let go and stepped back, "Perhaps me and you can have a better working relationship, Oscar, was it?" Oscar looked up at her surprised for a moment that she knew his name. She walked around the grim that was holding him as she talked, " the Beacon relic. My forces have been unable to locate it under the school, if I know my Ozmau-" She looked at Oscar, "He has used some sort of deception to hide it differently than the others. I need to know where it is." She pet the weird grim as she looked at him expectantly.
Oscar looked down at the ground slightly frustrated, "I- that's not something I would know about"
"Of course, he would keep that one guarded as long as possible" She sighed.
Oscar realized he didn't like Ozpin anymore than she did. He had taken away everything from both of them. "How about something easier, the password to the lamp" she went on.
His eyes widened. Should he tell her just to get back at Ozpin? They both hated Ozpin, maybe he could, just to screw him over. No, he couldn't. Just because they both hate Ozpin doesn't mean she isn't A terrible person.
"The lamp is all out of questions." He made up an excuse.
She narrowed her eyes and gave him a pitiful look. Suddenly a black orb formed around her hands and turned rainbow colored as it shot out at him. He let out a blood curling scream. It felt like the whole world was crashing down on him while also sucking out his soul, grabbing every happy memory he ever had and tearing it out so that all was left was agony. She stopped after a few seconds(it felt like a a whole decade to him). He coughed up blood as she walked up to him, pulling back when she grabbed him, his eyes wide open in terror. "Lies come out of you so easily" Each word she said had a slithering evilness to it, "Like-minded souls indeed. One of you is going to tell me, I don't care if it is you or Ozmau, either way I will finally have the relic."
Oscar hesitated then decided to stay silent. Salem looked at him and made a hmp noise. The door suddenly opened to reveal Hazel standing just outside. "Ha-hazel" Oscar put his arms up as Hazel stomped over to him and punched him out of the grim's grasp. "That was for Haven, everything that follows" Hazel stopped to kick him across the room before adding, "is for my sister."

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