Hollow and Fake

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Oscar woken up almost as soon as there was light outside. He sighed, it was now almost 8:00 Oscar supposed he couldn't hide up here any longer. He had to face them sooner or later. Walking down the stairs he could hear that almost everyone was already up if not everyone. He got down the rest of the stairs and was quickly tackled on by Nora who exclaimed " OSCAR!" All of the others heard Nora's loud yell and quickly came over to greet him. Oscar was quickly bombarded with people saying how happy they were that he was back, but it all felt shallow to him, like someone saying hi to you just to pretend they knew you were there.
Oscar pretended that he had missed them and all that stuff til Jaune came up to him, " Oscar I I'm sorry. What I did was out of line and shouldn't have acted that way. I'm sorry"
Oscar wasn't sure whether or not to believe him but he went along with it so he could just get this over with. "No, its okay. I hate to admit I've had the same thoughts that you spoke to me. But I thought it over and however much time I have left being me, I'm going to spend it helping this team." They seemed to buy it which made Oscar inwardly sigh.
Ruby looked at him for a moment before turning her gaze away making Oscar raise an eyebrow. All of the others had already left him in the alone in the room after Jaune said some other things, but Ruby was still there. He guessed not all of them were shallow. Ruby walked into the kitchen where everyone else was leaving Oscar completely alone. He walked in behind her soon after she left the living room to hear them already talking about how to get to Argus. Typical, he thought.

〰 〰 〰 〰
Oscar was standing on top of a snowy cliff with Qrow, Ruby, and team JNR they were waiting to hear back from Blake and Yang about the tower. The plan was to turn it off so Weiss and Maria could come back around and pick them up so they could then go to Atlas. However the plan did not go this way... Blake wasn't responding and Yang didn't know what was happening either.
Oscar wasn't really paying attention though. He had already zoned out multiple times. One time he even forgot where he was and got a very upset Yang for it. Since Oscar was in his own little world just thinking he didn't hear when Jaune said his name and apparently this was not a good time to do so. Jaune was already stressed out from his failing plan so when Oscar didn't respond he wasn't very happy.
"Oscar!" Jaune shouted at him, making him jump. Oscar turned around to see the blonde haired knight was not very happy with him. Remembering what happened the other day ,Oscar winced when Jaune stomped over to him. Jaune didn't realize Oscar's uneasiness and yelled at him, " Oscar you can't just keep zoning out! It was the person in your head idea to go to Atlas in the first place you need to be on board with us! We can't keeping having to yell at you to get your attention. " Oscar glared at him before pulling himself together, " Sorry, I'll do better next time" He didn't want Jaune to keep yelling at him so he said that hopefully getting him of Oscar's back.
Jaune sighed, "Its fine Oscar just try to listen next time" he had slight anger in his tone and was clearly trying to dile it in. He wasn't doing it very well though. "Maria needs you on the ship with her to try and look for a weakness from a higher point" Jaune explained to Oscar before walking away.
Oscar eyes widened in surprise. When did Maria and Weiss get here? And what was that giant robot? He didn't have more time to think about because Maria called his name and he quickly ran over. Oscar thought about what Jaune said. 'It was the person in your head idea to go to Atlas in the first place.' Right the person in his head. It was always the person in his head, never just him.
He was brought out of his thoughts by Maria who asked him, " See anything that could be useful?" Oscar narrowed his eyes at the big robot before him. He looked closer at it now, it was a dark redish-brownish color with with huge canons as arms and giant legs. It had a window on its face presumably where Cordavan sat while she controlled it. Oscar saw a small panel on its back. That probably led to something important, he thought. He used the ear pieces to talk to Ruby, " it looks like there is some kind of panel on the back, it should lead to something that holds power in the machine. "
"Got it" Ruby responded. Ruby then used her semblance to get onto the giants machine's back where she found the panel and opened it. He couldn't see her anymore because the robot had turned aroundwhile trying to get Ruby off. It started swatting at one of Weiss' grim she formed with her semblance, like it was a annoying fly. Oscar was finding it hard to keep up with everything that was happening, but somehow they formed A plan to shoot at the canons while they were about to shoot at them which led to Maria heading strait toward the machines canons before Ruby fired A shot at it, but it deflected off of it when Cordavan closed them up and used her lightning dust to shoot their ship down. It electrocuted Maria making her not be able to see and Oscar had to take over.
He panicked as they started to crash. Oscar pulled on the small lever in front of him not really knowing if that was what he was supposed to do or not. It felt like his heart was beating faster than the speed of sound. They crashed hard and everything suddenly got blurry. Oscar tried to remain conscious but his vision was soon over taken by darkness.

(sorry I know this one was short but chapters should start coming out more frequently now. I have something going on this weekend though so chapter 5 probably won't come out for a while. Anyways, enjoy!)

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