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A dark figure was hurriedly going through the monstra. A big explosion had just went off and she needed to get to the perpetrators before they left. She was turning the corner when she ran into her lovely Ozmau. She was surprised for a moment before recovering herself. "Ozmau, how nice of you to show up." Salem's voice had a slinky evilness to it that would make your hair stand up. The boy's eyes opened wide in terror as he fell to the floor in fear. She smirked at him.
This isn't Ozmau, she realized. Oh well, it'll just make my life easier. He was muttering something, wait, no, he was talking to himself, well to Ozmau. With some the things he said she soon realized that he hates her dear Ozmau as much as she does. Hmm, perhaps we can be of use to each other, I do need someone to test on. She bent down to his level, "Oscar, what if I told you I can help you get rid of him. I just need you to do a few things for me, that's all" She had a manipulative kindness in her voice. He looked up at her with teary eyes. A small (false) hope lit up in them. He nodded.
Salem smirked, she finally had her claws on Ozmau and would soon have the relics with it. "Come Oscar, soon you will no longer have to listen to foolish teachings." She walked away knowing he would soon follow. After a moments hesitation he got up and followed her.

Oscar had no idea what he was about to get himself into....

Oh my gosh! I can't believe this is already over. Don't worry I will continue it! Just have to wait a week or two. Any suggestion for what the next one should be called? Thank you so much for reading this! Love y'all, Storm out. <3<3<3
Edit: so I've kinda realized how short this whole fanfic is. I feel like this shouldn't be considered the first book? Like just the setup for the actual thing?

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