A Girl With an Umbrella

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Oscar woke up to find himself being dragged down a hallway of Atlas academy. His hands were tied together with rope along with his legs. The rope waa extended and was being held by most likely his attacker. This was the first time Oscar got a good look at them. It was a girl who appears to be in her twenties who had a ice cream inspired look. Half of her hair was pink and the other was brown, she wore dress that matched her theme and also had a black hat with a red string around it. He also noticed she now had the relic around her waist, that was not good.
She didn't seem to notice he had woken up yet so he pretended to still be unconscious to use it as a surprise later. Oscar swore he was always unconscious, it annoyed him so much. Why did that keep happening to him? Oscar thought about his option before deciding on one. Surprising the girl, he kicked out with his legs making her drop the rope and then back flipping out of the way of her umbrella/sword using it to cut the rope on his feet. He didn't have a weapon so he was going to have to use his bare hands. That wasn't going to work very well with his hands tied though.
Oscar aimed a kick at her face but she blocked it so Oscar swept her off her feet, knocking her down, he kicked the relic of her waist before she quickly recovered from his kick. She smacked him with her umbrella like someone would smack a fly and ran over to the relic, but Oscar intercepted her by kicking her from behind her making her fall over. She turned around and glared at him as he kicked her weapon at of her reach and kicked it up to his hands but she kicked his legs making him fall on his side. She grabbed the umbrella and pointed it at his neck with the spear out. Oscar tripped her moving quickly to avoid her weapon as she face planted. Running to the relic he fell from her tripping him with her umbrella. Oscar jumped up, head butting her in the process, she flailed her arms for balance so she didn't fall. He used this opportunity to cut the ropes around his arms with her weapon while she was swinging it around.
The girl was starting to get annoyed and hit him harder this time causing him fly backwards. She ran around the corner which made him unable to see her anymore but not before she grabbed the relic. He heard Nora's voice? Oscar realized what was happening, "NO!" he shouted while running around the corner and punched her with all his force before she hugged Nora. She was using her semblance to look like him but his surprise attack caused her to transform back into herself with a glass shattering effect. Oscar realized Ren and Jaune were there too, he narrowed his eyes at Jaune.
Oscar explained what happened, "I was in my room when this girl came in and knocked me out before she grabbed the relic."
"Neapolitan" Nora narrowed her eyes at the girl.
"You know her!?" Oscar was shocked. Nora didn't have time to respond, Neo charged at them with her sharp umbrella out like she was jousting. Nora shot her canons out at her, but Neo opened the umbrella to block it. Ren shot out his weapon to latch on the walls before he propelled himself forward to kick her. She easily deflected him with her weapon and turned around when Jaune charged at her from the side. Oscar ran up to her, kicked her legs out from under her, then punched her into the wall.
Oscar ran to grab the relic from her belt, she blocked him so Oscar flipped over her before quickly turning around and grabbed it. She glared at him. Then Nora shot Magnihld at her as Oscar front flipped out of the way, accidentally knocking into Jaune who was running forward to reprimand Neo. "Watch where your going next time Oscar!" Jaune grunted at him. Oscar rolled his eyes at him. Some smoke entered the room from Nora's hammer causing him to not be able to see the others. Something hit him in the face, Oscar stumbled backwards into a wall. Something was pressed against his throat, he could faintly see Neo's face as she grabbed the relic from him. "No!" He shouted then kicked at her while pushing his back against the wall to get momentum. His aura was starting to run low, already slightly low from a day of training.
They needed to get this fight done soon, he realized as Ren's aura flicker a bit when Neo slammed him against the wall. Nora ran at Neo with Magnihld in hammer form, Neo dodged it which made Nora accidentally hit Ren. Nora eyes widened, but didn't have time to react as Neo pushed her on the ground. Nora's aura flickered. Jaune recovered from a attack that Neo did earlier and charged at her, Neo blocked him with her umbrella with a bored expression, implying that this was easy for her, she even did one of those fake yawn things. Oscar could tell she was struggling though, she was good at hiding it but her tense muscles and her slightly sloppy attacks showed that she was struggling to hold off four people at once.That made Oscar think, if they all attacked her at once together she wouldn't be able to hold all of them off. Oscar gestured in different directions as he told them, "Jaune take the left, Nora right, Ren" Ren knew what Oscar meant without him having to say it. Oscar nodded at them, before he launched himself forward at Neo as the others did the same. Neo stared wide eyed then smirked. They all hit her with all their force, but she shattered and disappeared. The team bumped into each other causing Oscar's aura to break.
He clenched his fists in anger and slammed it on the ground. He felt something touch his waist, Neo was grabbing the relic, he realized. He couldn't see her because of her semblance so he just swung. She became visible again, revealing that she had the relic. Jaune charged at her, but she used her semblance again, then she was gone. "No, no no no! The relic!" Jaune shouted.

〰 〰 〰 〰
Its been a few days since Neo stole the relic and things have only gotten worse from there, Penny was framed for murder, Jauce got a seat on the council, Salem was waiting right outside the borders of Atlas, more and more grim kept running through Mantle. After they told Ironwood everything they learned from Jinn he was not thinking clearly. He was going to declare martial law and use the staff of creation to move Atlas out of Salem's reach, leaving Mantle to die. Oscar knew he had to do something, Oscar might be the only one that could reason with him since he had Ozpin inside of him.
Oscar was now going to Atlas Academy to the vault where Ironwood was waiting for Winter who was going to get the winter maiden powers so she could open the vault, allowing them to move Atlas. Oscar had to get there before that happened. The others were fugitives but Oscar hadn't been named one yet, he used that to his advantage. Oscar got to the elevator that lead to the vault and put in the secret code. He waited till he heard a DING and the doors opened. The freckled boy walked to Ironwood who thought he was Winter, "Winter, I'm glad you came, I know that was a hard thing for you to d-" Ironwood stopped when he turned around to see Oscar standing there. He stared at him for a moment, "Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" The general asked.
"Still just me." Oscar answered him.
Ironwood nodded his head as he closed his eyes. "I know why you came down here.." The General opened his eyes to look at Oscar. "Nothing you say will change my mind. If I don't act now all of us will be lost, not just Mantle."
"You can't just leave Mantle to die! I know we can work a plan out togethe-"
"Do you really believe that!? " Oscar was cut off by Ironwood.
"Listen to me!" Oscar was beginning to lose his patience.
"No you listen! I don't care if you see me as a villain, I'm doing this for Atlas, if Mantle has to die for that than so be it!" Ironwood kept walking towards him causing Oscar do back up more and more til he got to the edge.
Oscar narrowed his eyes at him, "Then you're just as dangerous as she is, James."
"James is what my friends call me.. To you its general" Without another word Ironwood grabbed his pistol and shot at Oscar.
Oscar stared wide eyed at him as he stumbled backwards and fell over the edge to his death.

(ok ok I know this was rushed I just didn't really know how to write this part. Sorry I know these last two have been short(and the next one kind of is too) but it shouldn't be after that. I've been waiting so long to get to the good part so I've kinda rushed the all of these previous chapters. Thanks for so many reads already! Also these might start taking longer cause this is about to go really off canon.)

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