Atlas at Last

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A loud bang followed by a big bump woke Oscar up with a start. He looked around and saw all of the others. He looked up and realized that they were on the ship that.... That crashed earlier. Oh that's right, the plane had crashed after Cordavan has shot them down with her big machinery.
Oscar tried to sit up but his body screamed at him as he tried to move. His legs and his right arm screamed in agony as he slowly sat up. Just then Ren realized that Oscar was awake and informed everyone else. Ruby looked at him from where she sat, " You really have a tendency to get hurt" she said with a small giggle.
Just another quality of having two souls, Oscar sourly thought. " what happened?" He asked. "After you crashed Ruby dove down the barrel of the canon and shot it making it blow up. Then a giant leviathan came with a bunch of other grim before Ruby used her silver eyes to turn it to stone and Cordavan gave us free passage to Atlas." Ren informed him.
Oscar stared wide eyed at Ruby who was fiddling with her fingers in embarrassment. " oh c'mon you guys have done similar things" she said trying to get the attention off of her. " Not all of us can take down a giant robot and then stone A leviathan" Blake said.
Oscar suddenly realized that Blake was there and he remembered that she had gone missing during the battle. "Wait what happened with the tower Blake?" Blake looked down before replying, "I had a run in with Adam... But me and Yang managed to kill him." Oscar could tell she was sad about her former corrupted lover but he didn't press it any further.
" wait is Maria ok?" He remember that she was on the plane with her when they crashed. "Right over here" Maria said in her normal crackly voice from the front seat, "I managed not to get hurt to badly using my semblance and experience." Oscar nodded at her remark.
It looked like no one was hurt much besides maybe Blake and Yang. Of course Oscar was the one to black out again. He was starting to get annoyed by this reoccurring event. He reached in his pocket to make sure the pendant wasn't damaged from the crash. Sure enough it was still safe and sound in his pocket with no damage done to it. Oscar wanted to keep it that way, he wasn't going to let the only thing he has from his aunt and uncle get broken that easily.
Soon enough they had gotten to Atlas when Qrow who had been flying the ship told them, "We're arriving at Atlas now. Might wanna look out the windows" he added. Everyone looked out the windows oohing and aweing. Oscar slowly got up putting his hand on his side and winced as his legs took his body weight. He looked outside to see a beautiful kingdom floating in the sky connected to a city down below. With the sun setting and the city lights on it looked like a scene from a book. Oscar stared in shock at its beauty.
"It may look pretty on the outside but there are lots of wholes on the inside" Weiss told them sourly. Oscar could understand that, sometimes that's how he felt about himself. Suddenly, the radio went off and a girl voice who sounded to be in her 20s asked them to identify themselves and what their orders were. When no one replied to her she asked them to come land. She repeated herself as they flew down to Mantle. Since the ship was stolen they didn't want to land into Atlas security and get arrested.

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It didn't matter they ended up being arrested anyways. After landing they started walking through Mantle before alarms went off and grim rampaged the streets. They had fought of the grim but then a team of huntsmen and huntreses called the Ace-ops intercepted them bringing them in for questioning. Oscar sighed, there was just one obstacle over another. Oscar also met some one named Penny Polendina who apparently was a robot and had died at the fall of Beacon but now she was alive again. He wasn't really sure about the details.
In the ship taking them to Atlas they met this weird guy who really did not like Ironwood or the embargo. He was trying to help someone called Robyn Hill get elected as council woman for Atlas. Apparently she was some sort of 'Mantle hero' or something like that.
They soon arrived at Atlas academy where they were met by Penny, Winter( who was Weiss' sister he later found out) and General Ironwood. They were taken to his office where they were about to discuss the relics.
Ironwood informed them that he told Winter, Penny, and the Ace-ops about Salem and he was going to use amity colosseum to build a new tower that he will use to tell the people of remnant about Salem. Oscar wasn't sure if that was a great idea. Ozpin had spent many many lives trying to keep her a secret. Qrow said something about this before Ironwood replied saying that without Ozpin he doesn't know what else to do. Oscar figured he should say something. " well"
"What is it?" The general asked him.
Qrow answered for him, "Oscar here is the next Ozpin"
Ironwood's eyes widened as he ran over to Oscar, " Oz I had no idea you were back-"
Oscar interrupted him before it got weird, "Not exactly, Ozpin isn't here at the moment"
"That's never happened before. How did this happe-"
"We don't know, we were in a train crash and then he was just gone"Ruby saved Oscar form having to say anything. Oscar didn't know Ironwood but he already didn't really like him very much.
" That's the worst news yet" Ironwood sadly stated. He pulled himself together, "At least we have you Oscar. You're safe here in Atlas. Together maybe we can find A way to bring him back." Oscar knew he was trying to be helpful but he inwardly sighed at the thought of having Ozpin back. "Of course sir" he remembered to respond instead of zoning out like he usually does.
"Penny will show you to your dorms." He told them before they walked out of his office where Penny took forever to take them to their rooms cause she kept talking. At first the others had been exited but now they were tired and just wanted to go sleep on comfy beds. They were finally getting close and everyone silently sighed in relief at the thought of laying down. Oscar's legs were starting to hurt again (A while ago actually) and he was sore all over. He later realized he now had a long scar down his leg, most likely from a part of the ship.
Before she let them go in their rooms she had a little information to give to them, "Your weapons have all been damaged a bit so general Ironwood thought it would be nice to upgrade them to Atlas standards" she showed A video of when they attacked the grim and zoomed in on Blake's broken gambel shroud. "Along with new combat gear of your choice" she continued. Oscar thought it would be nice to finally get out of his farm clothes, it was just one among many other things that made him feel out of place.
They all finally got to their rooms and got to lay down on their very comfy beds. Oscar was put in a room with team JNR while team RWBY was in another room. He assumed he was going to become team JNR's missing teammate. Oscar didn't oppose to it he thought Nora was funny with her bear hugs and Ren was quiet and nice. It was Jaune that Oscar was worried about. He did not particularly enjoy his company after a few... mishaps they've had. He wasn't to ecstatic at Jaune being his team leader.
They all got to bed but Oscar couldn't sleep. The others fell sound asleep, but that was understandable. They had fought Cordavan then the horde of grim then the other horde of grim in Mantle. But Oscar had just flown around on a plane then blacked out for who knows how long(again) and fought only a few of those grim in Mantle. He was once again pushed to the back.
When Oscar first joined this group he was excited, it wasn't every day you meet a group of students who were pretty much already huntsmen and huntreses and got to start training with them. Although the Ozpin thing was a little scary he brushed it off, after all that was the 'brave thing to do' so he did it. But everything was different now. Now that they knew the truth about Ozpin no one wanted to be around him, they didn't really talk to him much before but at least they acknowledge him other than when he got hurt. But now he was constantly brushed to the side, ignored, given shallow responses, and was yelled at all the time, especially by Jaune. Oscar sighed inside, maybe the next week will be better, he can focus on training and now since he was actually part of a team he might get involved in things. Although Oscar was a bit introverted since he grew up on a farm away from the kingdom he still thought it was nice when people at least said some things to him or included him in a conversation, epically with all that's Oscar's been through.
He soon fell into a doze and only woke up once or twice but, after the second time when he fell back asleep he wasn't sleeping peacefully anymore.

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