Chapter 4

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The dusty autumn wind blew in her face as Jennie ran, feet striking the ground in a steady beat.

She loved running. She loved the simplicity of it, the focused direction, the solitude. When she ran she didn't have to entertain other thoughts, listen to doubts, endure that small voice in the back of her head that was always wondering. Running was focus; it was freedom.

Jennie finished her last lap around the track as that familiar burn to her lungs and muscles was just edging to unbearable. She could go another lap, really work that burn into something that would linger, but Coach had blown the whistle so she had no choice but to slow and head for the bench.

"Your form's looking good, Kim." Coach Kwon said, a smile to her face. "But you're overstepping on your left leg. That'll give you a stitch if you don't keep an eye on it."

"Right." Jennie nodded, trying to straighten her back to give her diaphragm as much room to breath as she could.

"Are you hoping to run the meets this year?"

"If I can." Her parents supported her running as a 'healthy extracurricular', but didn't take it seriously enough to allow Jennie to travel across the country. 'Far too much time to dedicate on a hobby' her mother had said. She was hoping this year would be different.

Kwon smiled warmly. "I know you're just doing this for enjoyment, but you've got quite a talent. Don't think something isn't worth your time just because you're not aiming to do it for a goal. The one you're running for can always be yourself."

Jennie nodded again, smiling tightly. Kwon gave her a pat on the shoulder and began to walk off to one of the other runners, leaving Jennie finish catching her breath and check her watch.

She looked up and around, scanning for that easily visible mop of hair around the field. No one on the sidelines. Turning, she glanced up the bleachers and saw a lone figure hunched to the side, away from the handful of other spectators of waiting siblings and partners. Her hood was up and hands in her pockets, like she was trying to hide from view, but even from this distance Lisa was pretty recognizable just from the way she sat.

Jennie waved enthusiastically when she spotted her, and immediately regretted it, pulling her arm back down quickly. Oh god, she must think I'm a dork. She flushed when Lisa waved back, a much cooler effortless raised arm and a quick wrist flick, and stood up to begin to head down the stairs.

Nervously spinning her water bottle between her hands, Jennie grimaced as Lisa pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and took one out. She was in the process of lighting it as she approached the bench, the smell immediately wafting into the air.

"Could you not?" Jennie asked, wrinkling her nose. Lisa blinked and then seemed to realize, looking down at her hand and then moving the smoking cig behind her.

"Sorry. Habit." She shrugged, not sounding entirely apologetic.

Jennie frowned and stepped back slightly with a sigh. "I have to change anyway. Follow me back to the building? You can finish that while you wait."

Lisa shrugged and Jennie grabbed her things to head back toward the school, Lisa trailing behind her. They didn't speak for the walk, Jennie moving briskly and Lisa leisurely following, one hand in her pocket with the other held her cig. There was technically no smoking directly in school grounds, but Jennie doubted Lisa cared.

She headed inside to, walking quickly through the now mostly empty hall to the gym and locker room, which was currently empty as all the other athletes were still out on the field. She stood in front of her locker and rested her forehead against the cool metal, letting out a slow sigh.

didn't know you were cold ('til you felt my fire) // JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now