Chapter 19

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Lisa had a million different ideas about how this night was going to go.

She'd planned this. Well, went over some ideas talking to herself in the shower. She was going to tell her. She was going to let Jennie know that she felt... something, something more than friendship for the other girl. She had expected, well, the worst to be honest. Jennie to be weirded out, or laugh it off, or maybe explain to her in that know it all Jennie way that no, what Lisa was feeling wasn't a crush it was something else something much more normal... sensible is the word Jennie would probably use.

Lisa had expected that maybe she'd be able to tell her quietly, in the hall or in the middle of a crowd where no one was really listening. She'd expected that maybe they'd play a game like dare and Lisa could tell her, play it off if needed. She'd expected that she might even blurt it out and everyone would know and Jennie would hate her forever and that was the worst case scenario but at least she would know.

But what Lisa hadn't expected was to never even get to that point because instead she was here, standing in a dark corner with Jennie's hand in her hair and something reflecting in her eye, looking at her like Lisa wanted her to. And asking,

"Can I kiss you?"

Lisa was pretty sure her heart stopped at that, that time stopped completely. Like a sci-fi movie, everything around them frozen and quiet and there was just her and Jennie and four words hanging in the air like, like,

Look, the girl she'd had a crush on for weeks just asked to kiss her, Lisa's brain wasn't going to be coming up with too many good metaphors right now.

Lisa took a breath, searching Jennie's face, the other girl looking at her with expectation, almost worry, eyes meeting hers looking completely honest, completely serious.

She meant it.

Lisa thought for a second, the longest second, to laugh, pretend she hadn't heard, give Jennie some sort of out, but if Jennie was being honest. Lisa should be too.


Jennie let out a little laugh, almost a sigh like she had been holding in her breath, the hand she had still on Lisa's hair moving slightly. She licked her lips and suddenly looked concerned, a little hesitating, and Lisa felt a little cold bubble of panic inside.

"If you want, I mean." Lisa began to stammer. "I don't- you don't have to, heh, I was just, it's just that you-"

And then Jennie was kissing her.

Jennie was kissing her.

Jennie's lips were touching her lips, cool and a little wet and soft. They weren't moving and Lisa didn't dare move hers and the two of them stood there for an impossible long time and then Jennie slowly pulled back. Her eyes were closed and Lisa dimly wondered if she was supposed to close her eyes too.

Jennie opened her eyes, brows knitting into her worried expression. She let out an awkward little laugh, "Sorry. Was that shit? That was my first- if it was shit we can-"

"No, no, that was, that was great." Lisa managed to get out, her voice sounding strange in her ears. "I liked it."

Jennie pressed her mouth into a little smile that still reached her eyes, before asking "Could we try again?" Lisa nodded, not trusting herself to talk and Jennie let out another light breath. She moved forward and kissed Lisa again, her other hand coming up to rest on Lisa's cheek.

Raising her hands, Lisa hovered them in the air for a second, not sure where to put them. She decided on Jennie's arms, just below the shoulder, holding more onto the flannel/hoodie layer than the actual arm.

didn't know you were cold ('til you felt my fire) // JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now