Chapter 13

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Lisa shifted on her feet as she waited for Jennie to finish her phone call, updating her parents on the change in their evening plans. She was standing with her back turned, a sort of polite form of kinda privacy as she waited. Hands in the pocket of her sweater, she fiddled with the lint inside, chewing her lip.

"Finally." Jennie's voice came up from behind her, sounding exasperated as she snapped her cellphone shut. "My mother seems to think you're leading me to a drug den to be sold as a mule, but I finally managed to convince her to let me stay out here a while longer."

"Your mom's a peach." Lisa replied and Jennie snorted slightly in response. "You ready to go?"

She began to walk slowly in the direction they needed to head, Jennie following behind. "Where are we going? Do we need a cab, or..?"

Lisa shook her her head. "Nah, it's an easy walk. C'mon, shortcut's this way."

She led them down a well worn foot back path past the back of the mini mall, down a hill and ducking under a broken chain fence, passing through a debris filled alleyway out onto a busier street of the downtown Boombayah.

Low rise buildings boasting shops and bars lined the street, busy with nightlife, food carts and cars honking at jaywalkers. With relaxed ease, Lisa began walking down the crowd, making sure Jennie was able to follow. She did have to slow down a couple of times, when Jennie would get distracted by a window display or something else about the nightlife that caught her attention, but otherwise she was pretty impressed the shorter girl was keeping up so well.

She almost lost her once, when they passed by a couple of street racing cars, idling in the parking spots near one of the burger joints as their owners leaned against them chatting. Jennie had slowed down to nearly stopping to look at the cars with an expression like a kid in a toy store. Lisa turned to see she'd walked extremely far ahead, and quickly backtracked to bump Jennie with an elbow and knock her out of her awed daze.

The racers laughed and whistled as Lisa led Jennie away, and Jennie ducked her head, walking so close behind Lisa they kept brushing against each other.

"You really like cars, huh?" Lisa asked, glancing over at her when she saw Jennie steal another look back. Jennie nodded, absently biting her lower lip before turning to face forward again.

"I'm more into the classics, but I really wanted to know what modifications they did to that-" she trailed off, glancing back again but they'd walked too far to really see the cars any more. She turned back, speeding up again slightly to keep pace with Lisa. "Where are we going, exactly?"

"Here," Lisa nodded over to Jennie when she recognized the landmark of a telephone pole covered in long-outdated band posters. Glancing around quickly she ducked into the alleyway, and Jennie followed quickly behind.

"Lisa, is this safe?" Jennie asked as she followed Lisa down the narrow alley. Lisa smirked but didn't answer, until they came to a nondescript door in the side of the old brick wall. Stopping in front of it, Lisa knocked on metal door with her knuckles twice, and shoved her hand in her pocket to grab the bills she needed.

After a minute the door creaked open, just by a couple of inches. Lisa went to lean against the wall, nodding over to the cracked entrance so she could be more visible.

The face in the darkness looked her over and nodded, before the door opened fully. A tall, somber looking woman stood there holding it open, glancing into the alley between Lisa and Jennie, taking them in. She smirked.

"Twenty bucks." She said gruffly, raising an eyebrow in Lisa's direction.

"It's cool, she's with me." Lisa frowned, but the bouncer shook her head.

didn't know you were cold ('til you felt my fire) // JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now