Chapter 5

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"You did WHAT?!"

Ella nearly shot off the couch as Bambam laughed and slapped his knee, her already wide eyes even wider in shock. She stared at her sister in a mix of disbelief and anger, though Lisa could see the corner of her mouth twitching with the effort to hold back a laugh. This was exactly the sort of prank Ella would laugh at, even if she was trying not to show it. "Lisa what the fuck?!"

"Yeah that seems a bit harsh." Lucas frowned sympathetically from his seat on the floor, though he didn't glance up from his game, focused entirely on whatever battle system he was currently involved in.

"What are you guys talking about, that was sick!" Bambam was still cackling, letting out a long 'hooo' as he wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye. "I can't believe you did that to the Princess."

Lisa's pressed her mouth together to contain the grin, glad that at least one sibling was on her side. "Yeah, probably took too much off but oh man, you should have seen her face."

"I'll bet." Bambam let out another snicker as Lucas shook his head and sighed. Ella looked between the two eldest with something closer to disgust on her face.

"No way. Lisa, she's trying to help you!" She whined with a stomp of her foot. "She's not going to help you now!"

"She'll get over it." Hands spread wide, Lisa gave a shrug as a response. Ella made a frustrated noise in return, face screwed up and hands in fists at her side. It was weird - Ella usually loved it when they pranked "Pinksies". Half the time it was her idea.

"Relax, shortstuff," Bambam waved a hand dismissively as he watched Ten's game characters getting pummelled by whatever monster they were fighting. "It's just hair."

Lisa nodded. "That's what I said."


"Relax Dumpling, it's just hair."

"It's just- it's not- well, that's a perfectly fine opinion for yourself, but you can't just- who does something like that!" Kim's voice broke, almost on the verge of tears as she stood a foot away, stared at the clump on the picnic table, hand clutching the rest of her hair.

Lisa pretended to scratch at her cheek to keep the smirk hidden the corner of her mouth in response to the other girl's, in her opinion, overreaction. "I said I was sorry."

Kim closed her eyes and shook her head, mouth pressed as she made a very small noise. She opened them, blinking rapidly (tears? Was she crying?) staring over a tree instead of at Lisa.

"It'll grow back." Lisa huffed, feeling the creep of embarrassment start to warm the back of her neck. This was the sort of shit her family did to each other all the time, but Kim seemed actually... hurt.

And furious.

"Unbelievable!" The girl hissed, and began pacing, releasing her hair to fist her hands as she moved back and forth. "I can't believe I trusted you! And I was trying to help!"

Lisa looked over at the hair clump on the table and frowned. Kim was helping her with the homework, was being decent and patient even if she had been a little pushy with personal questions. Lisa was just bad at impulse control, and sitting there with that ridiculously soft hair in her hand... the urge to do something to annoy Kim had overridden her ability to think about things like consequences.

Okay, Lisa felt a little guilty.

"Do you have a hair tie in your Mary Poppins bag?" She asked, trying to look casual. Kim paused her pacing to glare at her, face screwed up in a pout and brown eyes wet with tears.

"What?" She said in an almost snap.

"A hair tie." Lisa repeated.

Kim exhaled through her nose for a minute before whipping around to pick up her bag, digging through it for a second before pulling out a tie. With a still cold glare at Lisa, she pulled her hair back and tied it up in a quick ponytail, like she'd had while running track. As soon as it was tied she put her hands on her hips.

didn't know you were cold ('til you felt my fire) // JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now