Chapter 9

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Lisa let out a low whistle as they approached the car, a large sleek white sedan. She didn't know much about cars, but she knew this one was fancy as hell.

"Damn dumpling, this is yours?"

"My mother's, actually." Jennie said with a wince beside her. She sagged against Lisa, arm around her shoulder squeezing tightly, as she leaned to pull her car keys out of the small purse she carried. Handing the keys to Lisa, Jennie pulled away to lean against the vehicle.

Lisa fumbled to unlock the door, helping Jennie in the passenger side before jogging around to get into the driver's.

She sat down in the seat, whistled again at the leather and electronics and started up.

"Alright," she said as the engine rumbled to life, "where am I going?"

The ride was quiet, stoic almost, just them and whatever light pop was playing on the radio at the time, broken only by quiet directions by Jennie. Lisa was thinking to try to ask something, anything, she felt like she should, when from beside her Jennie started to chuckle, which turned into giggles, which turned into outright laughing. Lisa glanced at her before looking back at the road, had to do it a couple of times to try and figure out what was going on, as Jennie laughed loudly.

"I'm sorry," she managed between laughs. "I'm sorry, it's really not that funny is it, but I just can't believe I did that."

Lisa gave a slight chuckle in response as Jennie kept laughing, a hand coming up to wipe the corner of her eye. "And you just-" her laughing was starting to sound hysterical, "Oh my god. Well, he might actually leave me alone now."

"You okay?" Lisa asked, unable to help her own smile. Jennie's laugh was contagious.

"I'm fine, really." Hand on her chest, Jennie let out a long slow breath to try and calm her laughing, though it was still broken up by hiccup-like giggles.

"You were really gonna try to fight him, weren't you?" Lisa asked, unable to keep the smirk off her face. She glanced over at Jennie who began to laugh again.

"I was so angry think I might have. I would have lost in a instant."

"Nah, I bet you would have kicked his ass." The smirk grew, her voice teasing. "I wore him down for you."


"Turn here." Jennie indicated as Lisa obeyed, turning onto the residential street. They drove along it, past houses larger than they had any need to be, with ornamental gardens and driveways the size of fields and fucking fountains and fences and everything else that signalled money. Lisa tried to keep her comments to herself, but she couldn't help scoffing under her breath at each large lot filled with just too much.

"There." Jennie pointed, to a large white three story mansion tucked behind giant oak trees. Lisa dutifully pulled in and parked outside the four car garage.

"Here's fine." Jennie nodded, unbuckling and opening her door as Lisa shut off the engine and hopped out. She opened Jennie's door and helped her stand, glancing down at the injured leg. The bloodstain didn't look like it had gotten much bigger, which was good. Probably.

She couldn't help the low whistle as they approached the intricate front doors and Jennie let out a quiet, awkward laugh under her breath, pulling out her keys to unlock them.

"My parents are probably asleep," she said in a hushed whisper. Lisa just nodded and helped her open the door as slowly and quiet as possible.

"Could you help me upstairs?" Jennie asked as they walked into the foyer. Lisa shifted, glancing to the dark stairwell and nodded.

didn't know you were cold ('til you felt my fire) // JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now