Chapter 28

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The afternoon sun was always gorgeous from this angle, especially now that it was later in the day. Jennie didn't know what fortune had smiled on this specific location, but the early summer light was angled exactly perfectly compared to the breeze to make sitting here the absolute perfect temperature. Her legs hung off the side of the ledge, swinging lightly as she enjoyed just the freedom of sitting here.

She'd never been here by herself before but Lisa was right about it. It was a rather nice spot to come to just to sit and think by yourself.

This old Milk billboard, tucked away on this industrial hillside, surrounded by the discarded bottles, spray paint cans and cigarette butts of so many hangouts past.

It was a place that would be considered far beneath Jennie's station, and it's why she loved it so much.

As she watched over the landscape a flock of birds, chirping and chattering, flew overhead, dipping and swooping in the breeze as they made their way to whatever destination suited them. She watched them fly, smiling, until they flew off into the distance and out of sight in the clear sky. Closing her eyes and leaning her head back slightly to let the breeze play with her loose hair, Jennie let herself be lost in the moment as she waited for the telltale sound of a sputtering truck engine to let her know Lisa had arrived.

It was the crunch of gravel that alerted her, as the steady footprints made their way up the hill. She held her position, eyes still closed in the beautiful sunlight, until Lisa's voice finally broke through the silence.

"Do you know how fucking cliche this is?"

Finally opening her eyes she looked down, seeing Lisa standing there at the base of the board in her dark jeans and white tank top, a hand shielding her eyes as she grinned up. "Running away without saying goodbye?"

"I'm not running away!" Jennie countered with a grin. Lisa's grin got wider and she jogged to the billboard ladder to climb up.

"You're damn right you're not." She said as her messy hair popped into view. She hopped the last few rungs of the ladder, climbing up to her feet. She dusted her hands off on her jeans once she was standing on the ledge, looking up at Jennie with that bright earnest smile. "Dad wants you to come over for dinner first."

"Invited to family dinner?" Jennie smiled. "What a send off."

"Mmhmm." Lisa hummed, seating herself down with Jennie and without hesitation reaching over to pull her into a kiss. Jennie let out a surprised noise that quickly melted into a happy sigh as Lisa's hand brushed through her hair.

"Sorry," Lisa said as they separated, not sounding sorry at all, "it's just been a couple of days, I needed to do that."

Jennie couldn't help the giggle. "Needed to, did you?"

Lisa just grinned, letting out a light huff that was almost a laugh, as she looked into Jennie's eyes, hand drifting down from her hair to rest on Jennie's back. The gold light from the sun made Lisa's freckles stand out and a smudge of dirt visible and Jennie reached up to rub at it slightly with her thumb.

That cocky grin turned shy at the affection and Lisa laughed slightly, breathlessly, turning a bit away from Jennie and letting her hand drop down.

Jennie moved her own hand away, sympathetic. This was still so new between them, to go from close friends hesitant to touch to... to girlfriends, with permission for things like soft caresses on cheeks and somehow it was more nerve wracking at times. She reached over and gave Lisa's knee a light squeeze to let her know the space wasn't a problem.

"I, uh, saw the Pacer down there." Lisa said, as a change of subject. "You showed your folks after lunch?"

Jennie could feel the slightly regretful look passing over her face and nodded.

didn't know you were cold ('til you felt my fire) // JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now