Chapter 11

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Lisa didn't know why the fuck she was so nervous.

She was just going to hang out at the mall with a friend. Normal teenager shit. She'd done that tons of times. Hell, she did that two weeks ago with Lucas and Ella to get them some new shoes. This wasn't any different.

She sighed and changed her shirt for the fourth time.

"Is Kim gonna buy you new clothes?" Ella asked, hanging upside from her bunk as she read her fashion magazine. She half shouted the question, headphones dangling precariously off her ears while blasting the high sounds of electric guitar from her CD player.

"No." Lisa said firmly as she pulled her latest shirt choice over her head. Just a plain black t-shirt, no graphics or designs or details, and more importantly no stains or holes. She grimaced into the small dresser mirror and shrugged. It was fine.

"You should let her!" Ella twisted herself around onto her stomach, letting the magazine hang loosely from one hand as she propped her chin on the other. She was grinning excitedly.

"What is it with you and Bambam with this trying to use her money thing?" Lisa muttered as she tried to flatten down her hair. It was starting to get too long, and the roots were beginning to show. Fuck, she looked a mess.

Ella slid her headphones down to hang off her neck, guitar riffs still blaring. "It's not using her if she offers, Li." She said as she rolled her eyes. Lisa looked over at her, making a face.

"Why would she offer? We're not even shopping, we're just like, hanging out. I took her to the billboard, so I let her pick the place this time and she picked the mall."

The sarcastic bored grin on Ella's face dropped into insulted shock. "You took her to the Milk board? Li, that's our place."

"We're not the only ones that go there." Lisa grimaced at her sister's heartbroken tone, leaning against the dresser with her arms crossed. "It's not like it's a huge secret."

"Yeah, other Boombayah kids. She's not one of us Lisa," Ella curled her lip, "she doesn't belong in our spots."

"Ell, it's not like that, she's different." Lisa sighed. "We're friends now, I'm allowed to take my friends there, right?" When Ella didn't answer beyond a pout, Lisa added "if you'd made friends with a Pinksy from your Progress classes I'd say the same thing."

She crouched down, hands hanging loosely off her knees as she looked over at Ella. "Hey, she's not going to come between us, alright? We'll still do board hangouts, just you and me." She gave her sister an affection thumb on the chin, smiling. "I trust Jennie, she's not gonna mess anything up."

Ella looked like she might say something, jaw working as she frowned before she sighed and let her head hang down off the bed. Lisa was about to say more when the doorbell rang, and Ella's head shot up.

"Shit, that's Woon!" She hissed. "We're gaming today, I lost track of time!" She clambered up onto her knees on the bed and launched herself off, nearly tripping over Lisa to get to the dresser. "Move Lisa, I gotta change!"

"You gotta brush your hair too." Lisa joked, standing and ruffling Ella's already messy mop of hair on her head. Her sister batted her away with a laughing shriek and "gerroff!" as she opened her clothing drawer, causing Lisa to laugh.

She ducked out of the room to the front door, unlocked and opened it to see Woon, rocking on his heels, his bleached white baby dreadlocks bouncing slightly with the movement. He grinned widely as soon as the door opened.

"Heeyyy, what's up Lisa?"

Lisa smiled as she stepped aside to let him enter. "Hey Little Man, Ell's just getting ready in our room."

didn't know you were cold ('til you felt my fire) // JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now