Chapter 23

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"This has been quite the year for you, hasn't it Lisa?"

Counsellor Cherin smiled from across her desk, hands folded delicately in front of her. "Your grades are up, your detention attendance is down," a well groomed brow raised as she spoke, still smiling, "I'm sure you must be very proud of your achievements."

Lisa just shrugged.

"Now, I know you previously considered a trade apprenticeship in order to stay local for your sister," the guidance counsellor was saying, thumbing her way through a pile of papers on her desk. "But I have found some programs that I really think might interest you."

"If I pass."

Cherin's smile widened, pushing up to creasing the corners of her eyes. "Well dear, I think I have some good news for you on that front."

The paper is placed gracefully on the desk side closest to Lisa, turned so that it's right-side-up and the writing is legible. She looked at it to see the checks along the lines and mock sentences and in that red marker is written an 82% with a little smiley face in one of the circles of the percentage

Cautiously, Lisa looked up to Cherin to test out exactly how she was supposed to be feeling about this. The counsellor was smiling so... good?

"You've passed all your remedial tests with high enough marks," Cherin nodded to the paper, "that you could skip out on the final two and still have enough to pass. And your transcripts for the rest of your classes tell a similar story. I insist you take your exams of course, a higher grade will always do you well in life, but as it stands now congratulations Lisa." She held out a delicate manicured hand across the desk for Lisa to take. "You're graduating."


Dinner was quiet, relatively, as the four of them ate their meals while Dad worked on finishing up the dishes and packing his own dinner into a takeaway container to bring with him. He had to leave soon for work.

"I've got the TV set up to record some things," Dad was saying as he packed, "so don't touch the box. Alright?"

"Okay dad." The four of them said in unison.

Dad put the containers into his satchel, closing it up and turning to lean against the counter, facing the table. "Any good news for me to take to work tonight?"

There was a pause of quiet and then Lisa spoke up, staring at her plate.

"Cherin says I'm gonna graduate."

She could almost feel Dad's smile in the shift in mood. "That's great, honey. I'm proud of you."

"Yeah." Lisa shrugged, smiling a bit as she scooped more mashed potato onto her fork.

"Even French?" Lucas asked her, a smile in his voice too. Lisa gave a little affirming grunt and heard Bambam scoff.

"Guess the Princess was good for something after a-ah!" Lucas elbowed Bambam hard in the side, cutting him off, and the two shared scowls at each other. Bambam rolled his eyes and turned back his meal, muttering something inaudible under his breath.

Lisa ignored them to focus on eating, even as her fork scrapped the plate a bit harder than she meant to.

She could feel Ella looking at her from the side and ignored that too.

"Dad," Ella's voice was quiet, "I need to tell you something too, can we talk before you go?"

"Er, I've got about five minutes of you can make it quick."

Ella nodded and shovelled as much food as she could into her mouth before pushing off the table and standing up. Dad followed her to the hall where Lisa could head muttering and whispers, but no clear words.

didn't know you were cold ('til you felt my fire) // JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now