Chapter 15

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"Oh peasant, your princess is here!"

"Fuck off Bam." Lisa hopped over the arm of the couch and gave her foster brother a smack on the back of the head as she came up beside him to peek out the window. Jennie's white car was visible parked on the street just outside, headlights bright in the darkening dusk. Lisa grinned and gave Bambam another couple of pats on the back as she turned to head to the front. "Right guys, see ya later!"

"You're going out again?"

Lisa paused midstep and looked over at Ella, who was sitting slumped on the couch with a disappointed expression on her face. Lisa nodded, offering an apologetic shrug.

"Yeah, we're seeing a movie."

An angry pout twisted Ella's face and she let out a dramatic sigh and flopped back onto the couch to turn to the TV screen. "Whatever."

Lisa frowned, thinking about saying something, almost made to step forward and say it, but then the doorbell rang and pulled her attention away. Glancing between Ella and the door, Lisa huffed and jogged over to turn the knob just as some quick polite knocks were rapped against the wood.

She opened it to see Jennie, hand still slightly raised in a fist to knock. She was dressed up more than Lisa was used to seeing her at school, in a blue top and skirt combination, with a white cardigan and a choker necklace with earrings that looked like diamonds, and it was Jennie so they probably were diamonds. A smile instantly burst on the girl's face, a wide gummy smile visible, and Lisa's heart did that unmistakable tight feeling again, the hum returning to lightly buzz in the back of her ears.

So still not a random fluke then.

"Are you, um, ready to go?" Jennie asked, looking Lisa over and past her into the house. "Hello everyone." She waved delicately.

"Just so you know, Princess," Bambam came up, putting an arm around Lisa's shoulders to lean on her as she put her shoes on, shooting him a glare. He ignored her and clicked his tongue. "Curfew's at 10, try to bring her home in one piece and no drinking you crazy kids, it's a school night." He wagged a finger between the two of them, face mockingly stern. Jennie laughed lightly and Lisa shoved him off of her, Bambam catching his balance with a laugh and a snort.

"Dork." Lisa muttered, turning back to smile at Jennie. "K, uh, cool. Let's go."

"Good night everyone!" Jennie called through the door as Lisa tried to shoo her out. "I promise to return her in the same state I've borrowed her in!"

"We won't complain if you clean her up a little!" Bambam called out. Lisa threw up the finger as Jennie laughed, and the door slammed behind them.

"You, uh, dressed up?" Lisa asked as they walked down to the car. Jennie pressed her mouth together and let out a little hum and a shrug.

"I almost never get to, why not this occasion?"

"Well," Lisa looked down at her jeans. They were the newer ones Jennie had gotten for her earlier, but already were dirty and slightly torn from Lisa's various behaviours. "Why?"

"Why not?" Jennie countered, raising an eyebrow. Lisa smirked a little, letting out a huff of a laugh, flexing her hands in her pockets as the fingers started to tingle.

"I feel bad, I look like you just found me on the street and you look like you're on a date."

Wrong thing to say apparently, when Jennie stiffened like someone had just dumped water down her back, making a little squeak noise. She recovered quickly, laughing it off and shaking her head.

"Maybe I like how we compliment each other." She said as they approached the car, headlights flashing as Jennie unlocked it.

"Yeah, how's that?"

didn't know you were cold ('til you felt my fire) // JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now