Chapter 20

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Just as she did every morning, Jennie Kim woke up at 5am sharp.

She regretted it instantly.

Head pounding behind her eyes, mouth so dry the attempt to swallow was painful, she would have preferred to stay lying on the couch to bury her face into the pillow and attempt to return to sleep, but an incredibly numbing pain in her arm forced her awake and made the experience absolutely dreadful.

Blearily, she tried to focus her eyes and gather her surroundings. She was lying on a couch in a living room... Lisa's living room. That was right, she'd been unable to drive home and had been given the couch to rest for the night. She hoped her parents weren't too upset.

Jennie began to push herself up when a shifting weight on her arm drew her attention. She glanced over, seeing Lisa's sleeping face resting just against her, the girl sitting on the floor and slumped up against the couch. She was snoring just ever so slightly, completely asleep.

Her face was so close, and every memory of last night came at Jennie at once in a rush of nervous. The kiss. The kisses, multiple, Lisa kissing her back, the words they spoke between them, the incredibly, terrifying honesty, the relief of not having to hide how she felt anymore because Lisa..

Lisa snorted in her sleep just then, adjusting herself before relaxing back into her awkward looking position, the snoring resumed, distracting Jennie from her thoughts. She smiled at the sight, resting back with a warm feeling of content despite the ache in her head and neck. A few loose strands of hair fell across Lisa's face and Jennie wanted to brush them aside, but the angle she was lying at didn't afford her the ability, so she had to opt for just lying there, watching Lisa sleep best she could.

She drifted in and out of sleep for quite some time until she couldn't fight the need for the washroom any longer, and slowly, painful, she extracted her arm from being Lisa's pillow and shifted herself, sliding off the couch as quietly as she could.

Biting her lip as she fought with the decision of whether or not it would be a bit creepy, she finally decided to just go for it, and gently adjusted Lisa's hair. Lisa didn't wake, and it took everything for Jennie to not run her thumb over the freckled cheek.

Boundaries, she firmly told herself.

The headache made her vision blur slightly as she stood and she wasn't sure of the layout of the small house, but she managed to slowly walk her way peeking into the only opened door in the hall, to her relief a bathroom. The room was incredibly small for what Jennie was used to, the counter and toilet and bathtub all jammed together with every available counter space covered with the toiletries of four teenagers.

When she was finished and went to attempt to wash her hands, Jennie was horrified the second her movement to use the soap caused a chain reaction, bumping over a deodorant stick into a haphazard stack of face cleaners, and various bottles and jars began to clatter down across each other and the floor.

Jennie stood there, headache forgotten in the temporary fear as she watched the waterfall of product make an obscene amount of noise.

Well now the rest of the house was surely awake.

Gingerly, Jennie washed her hands and proceeded to attempt to put the causalities of the fall back into some semblance of an order onto the small sink counter space.

She had little success, as they kept falling over again and again. Clearly the family had worked out some sort of precise precarious system to keep everything upright and Jennie was failing miserable at replicating it. She finally gave up and just attempted to haphazardly shove and lean everything against the supportive wall.

didn't know you were cold ('til you felt my fire) // JENLISA AUWhere stories live. Discover now