Chapter 6

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Chapter 6;

"I'm gonna miss you so much" I hug Cali

"I'll miss you too bestie" she says

We both let go as I take a step back and grab my suitcase, "thanks for saying goodbye" Cali's mum smiles leading me out the front door to meet my mum. We all say are goodbyes than me and mum make are way to our car, "how did you leave the house? Did Rob not ask you where you were going?" I ask

"Well he did ask right when I was half way out the door" she laughs

"What happened?"

"He asked where I was going and I told him I was just stopping by my friend Kathy's house" she explains

I open the truck and slide my suitcase into the truck, I shut the door and hop into the passenger seat and we drive off to the airport.


"Goodbye Mum" I sob hugging her

"I love you so much" she cries into my shoulder


We stand and face each other " bye mum love you " I call out while I'm walking to my plane. After going through the process of being allowed to board the plane I walk through the metal tube thing and into the plane, the plane is big and everyone already on looks grumpy and mad. I walk down the aisle until I see someone who looks quite happy and not mad so I take a seat next to him. I put my suitcase above my seat and sit down, I look at the guy and he looks very familiar "hi" he says which makes me jump a little "sorry did I scare you" he laughs

"Just a little startled" I giggle

"I'm Shawn, you?" He smiles

"I'm Zoey nice to meet you" I smile back

"Wait are you the girl who was at the small competition a couple days ago" his eyes go wide

"yup Zoey Jones and you must be Shawn Mendes" I laugh

"Oh wow you were amazing"

"Thanks but not as good as you" I smile


A voice goes over the speaker, I stiffen up and start to quietly panic " are you okay?" Shawn asks with a worried tone in his voice

"Yah it just umm I've never really been on a plane before" I whisper

" oh well it's not as bad as it seems but take this" he says handing me gum. I immediately take it as I unwrap and plop it into my mouth and start to violently chew on it, "wow take it easy" he laughs

"Sorry" I whisper

I feel the plane start to lift up off the ground higher and higher into the sky, "oh my gosh" I whisper freaking out

"It's okay, here hold my hand if you need too" he smiles holding out his hand, I put my hand in his and squeeze it from me panicking "oh my gosh" I keep whispering

"You'll be fine" he assures me flashing me a smile

"I can tell your trying to hold back laughter" I say

"Sorry but this has never happened before" he chuckles

"I'm so weird" I try to giggle but I stop cause I'm overly scared (is that a word Overly scared? Whatever just roll with it)

"Hey were in the air" he says claiming me down

"Oh thank god" I laugh

"So what brings you out to LA?" He asks

"Oh well I got invited to be in a thing called MagCon and they wanted me to sing and stuff so yah that's why I'm here... why are you?" I ask

A smile creeps onto his face before he starts to talk

"Really?! Wow I'm apart of MagCon! We should sing together tomorrow" he smiles

"There's a show tomorrow?" I say surprised

"Yah we start to practice tonight then a meet and greet tomorrow and the show!" He laughs

"Oh okay so what song do you wanna sing?" I ask

"What about Helplessly by Tatiana"(I can't remember her last name😩)

"Oh I love that song!" I smile

"Same!" He chuckles

We just continue to talk the rest of the time, maybe I've made a new friend.

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