Chapter 25

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Chapter 25;

"That was one of the best MagCons ever" Shawn smiles

"That was awesome everyone was so into it" Jack G says

"So we all agree that it was amazing" I laugh

"What's with you and the word amazing" Hayes pipes in

"I don't know" I laugh

The car pulls into the hotel parking and we all get out and walk to the elevator, "so Zoey we only have three hours to get ready for the dance" Mahogany says

"So isn't that plenty of time?" I ask which makes her gasp

"That's not enough time we got to hurry" she yells pulling me into the elevator. When we reach our floor she drags me out of the elevator and to our room, once we get in she throws me my dress and then shoves me into the bathroom later yelling "get ready" which makes me giggle.

"How's this?" I ask walking out

"Oh my gosh you look beautiful" she smiles

"Now my turn" she adds grabbing her dress and walking into the bathroom.

When she walks out she looks very pretty, she goes to the mirror and looks in her reflection before grabbing her make up and starts to apply some stuff. When she's done she puts her signature cat ears on and she looks at me, "amazing" I smile

"Now your turn" she says grabbing the curling iron and plugging it into the wall, she pulls me up and pulls me to the mirror before sitting me down and grabbing her makeup and she starts applying random stuff for what feels like forever.

She finally finishes and starts to curl my hair which also feels like forever but when she's done I get up and look at my reflection and my jaw drops. I look so different but a good different, I check the time and I'm already late meeting Shawn downstairs. I look in the mirror one last time before grabbing my phone and putting on a pair of Mahogany's shoes and running out the door, I reach the ballroom and I don't see Shawn so I lean against the door and wait.

20 minutes past and I don't see him, people are already arriving so I decide to loon for him. I look around the ballroom then I leave and look around it on the outside, I hear some noises behind the vending machine. I slowly approach it and look around the corner to see Shawn and a girl making out.

"Shawn?" I ask my eyes getting watery

I though he liked me, he said he really liked me.

"Zoey I can explain" he says

I turn around and start running the the stairs, "Zoey wait" he yells catching up to me and entering the elevator with me.

"Save it" I yell

"Zoey you got to listen to me" he says which makes me cry harder

"You said you really liked me Shawn" I say

"I do Zoey I really do its just" he stops

"It's just what?! What if I didn't say no and we were actually dating huh?" I yell

"Zoey Im sorry I didn't mean too I do really like you" he yells too

"Oh yah you really like me? You like me so much you go and kiss another girl?" I ask

"I didn't know what I was doing" he protests

"I was gonna go down there and say I trust you! Well now I don't" I cry tears streaming down my face

The elevator doors start to open,

"I promise Zoey I won't do-"

"Save it and just get away from me" I yell running out of the elevator leaving Shawn alone

This is why I can't trust people! I run to my room passing by some people when I hear footsteps behind me then someone turn me around

"Shawn just go away" I say more tears flowing down my face

"What's wrong?"

I look up to see Jack J

"I'm fine" I say wiping some tears

"No your not your crying!" He says pulling into a hug which makes me cry harder

"It's gonna be ok" he whispers rubbing my back trying to calm me down

"Let's go back my room and we can talk okay?" He asks

I nod my head and we start to walk to his room, we get in and we both sit down. "what happened" he asks

"I-I was waiting for Shawn downstairs and U-um he wasn't there so I was waiting for awhile w-when I decided to look for h-him" I sob

"And I heard noises behind something s-so I went to see what I-it was and it was S-Shawn and some g-girl kissing and I-I couldn't take it so I ran" I say crying some more

"Zoey I'm so sorry" he says wiping some tears off my cheeks

"It's fine" I say wiping the rest

"You'll be fine" he smiles

"Are you sure" I ask

"Hey ya gotta keep your chin up and keep your head held high" he smiles

"Really using lyrics from your own song? Ya dork" I laugh

"See Zoey just don't think about it"

"Thank you Jack for everything" I smile

"Your welcome and hey I'm always here if you need anything" he smiles

He kisses my cheek in expectedly and I feel butterflies in my stomach as my eyes go wide, "oh sorry" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

"Let's go down there and your gonna show him that you don't need him and your gonna have the time of your life" He smiles

"Okay but can I stay by you the whole time cause he's gonna wanna talk to me" I whisper

"Anything for a beautiful girl like you" he smiles which makes me blush big time.

Ohhhh Jack is finally flirting with Zoeyyyyyy ohhh who knows what's gonna happen next???? Lol I'm lame :-/ sorry.

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