Chapter 21

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Chapter 21;

"Is everyone here?" Bart yells across the huge room

We're all at the show place and its 8:00 in the morning, Bart is now just explaining what's going to happen after the show.

"So you guys are gunna do your thing and stuff but after the show, stick around until everyone leaves then we're going to go straight to the airport" Bart says

We all brought are luggage and stuff so we can just go to the airport because he says it's easier? I don't know.

We all agree and he leaves the area, the meet and greet starts at 12 and MagCon starts at 1:30 so we've all got plenty of time to spare until we need to start.

"So Zoe"

I turn around to face Nash,

"Hey Nash" I smile

"So you and Johnson are talking again?" He asks

"Um yah" I say confused

"You seem unsure" he points out

"Yah because I'm confused to why your asking me this?" I ask

"Oh just wondering" he says before walking away

Umm ok? I walk over to the little food area and buy a granola bar and a muffin because I'm really hungry. I pay for my stuff and walk over to the edge of the stage before sitting down and unwrapping my Muffin, I look around and see that everyone is smiling and talking about who knows what when out of the corner of my eye I see Matt sit down beside me.

"We never talk" he says out of the blue

When I realize he is right we never usually talk, me and mostly all the boys rarely talk and I barely know any of them.

"Yah your right" I say

"Maybe you should hang out with me and the boys some time at the next destination you know get to know them better" he smiles

"Sure you all seem very nice and cool" I say

"Sweet, well I'm gonna go get some food" he jumps off the edge of the stage before walking off in the direction of the food area.

Hours pass and were in the middle of the show, were all just dancing around, laughing and having a good time when the show ends. We all say goodbye and run off stage "that was awesome" I laugh

"Yah it was" Jack J smiles

"So now when are you heading to the airport" I ask

"Yes but we have to wait for like awhile or when the crowd dies down" Jack J explains

"Oh ok and then we're going to New York" I smile

"Yes we are and I'm excited" he laughs

"Same" I grin


~ Flight 264 to New York City ~

We all board the plane and I sit alone on the way to New York and pull out my notebook and headphones when Jack J sits next to me.

"Hey" he says

I smile and grab my pencil and start to write down some stuff,

"What are you doing?" He asks looking at my notebook

"Trying to write a song" I admit

"Oh maybe I should try that" he says

I rip out some paper and hand them to him along with a pen and he immediately starts to write down stuff.

I watch him write down things until he stops "this is hard" he says

"How do you write your other songs?" I ask

"Jack G has all these cool things to say I guess" he frowns

"Oh well maybe put what you have to say into a song and sing it" I say trying to give good advice

"Hmm" he says writing more stuff down

"Here" I say pulling out some gum and handing him two pieces

"Thanks" he smiles before taking them

I pull out some for myself and plop them into my mouth, I put my notebook and stuff to the side and I put my headphones in and start to listen to some music before I start to doze off.

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