Chapter 28

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Chapter 28;

"Why does he want you to go home?" Nash asks

"Because I um, well my mom said I could join this but he said no so my mom kinda snuck me here without him knowing" I frown

"So are you leaving?" Johnson asks

"I'm not letting him take me home! I've made new friends and it's fun doing what I love" I smile

"Well we got to leave for the airport in three hours so everyone should start packing" Taylor yells following everyone out the door

"Ok see yah" Johnson smiles waving

"Wait where's are next stop?" I ask

"Oh Calgary then Toronto" He says walking out the door

We're going to Toronto? Rob is definitely going to find me there, what am I supposed to do? I start packing all my stuff again and think of ways when I just give up. That's it I'm staying home once we reach Toronto, there's no doubt in my mind that he's going to find me.

"Mahogany?" I say


"When we get to Toronto Rob is probably going to find me" I say

She stops packing and walks over to me,


"He'll probably make me stay home"

"Oh well right when the events over we need to go to the hotel and hide out" Mahogany says

"you really wanna try that?" I laugh

"No" she frowns and walks away

"I'm gonna miss you guys" I sob

"I thought you said your not letting him take you home" She stares at me

"I'm not but who knows what's gonna happen maybe I shouldn't of joined this" I sigh

"What why?" Mahogany says

"Because when Robs mad he gets aggressive I've seen him hit my mom before cause he was mad at her" I say

"Oh well if anything goes wrong you have all of us" She smiles

"Thanks I appreciate it" I smile back

We sit in silence for awhile when I decide to change into something more comfortable like my pyjamas. I know people say not to wear your pyjamas to the airport but whatever we won't get to Calgary until like 1am so whatever. I open my suitcase again and pull out my pyjamas and run to the bathroom to change, I also take off my makeup in the process and throw my hair in a messy bun. When I finish I walk to my suitcase and shove my dirty clothes back in with all my other stuff, I zip it back up and sit down and scroll threw my Twitter on my phone.

"Hey Mahogany" I ask

"Wear your pyjamas with me to the airport" I add

"Nope not happening" she laughs

"Why?" I whine

"No I'm not wearing my pyjamas to a freaking airport with you" she laughs again

"Fine" I grunt going on iMessage I decided to text Johnson and ask him because I'm sure he would, would he? Yeah whatever I'll try.

* To Jack Johnson💎;
Hey will you wear your pyjamas to the airport with me?*

I hit send and wait for him to reply, he's gonna read my text and think I'm a weirdo but ya know I live life on the edge. After a few minutes my phone goes off and it's a reply form Johnson.

*From Jack Johnson💎;
Ummm why? Lol*

*To; Jack Johnson💎
Because I am and I don't want to be the only one wearing them😋*

*From; Jack Johnson💎
Okay fine :) but I'm warning you people may point and stare 😂😅*

*To; Jack Johnson💎
Yassssss :) I don't care we're gonna be living life on da edge 👌😂 the cool kids of the airport 😏*

*From; Jack Johnson💎
Yup the cool kids😅 I've got to finding packing we leave in a hour*

*To; Jack Johnson💎
An hour?*

*From; Jack Johnson💎
Yah time flys by :) lol but I've really gtg*

*To; Jack Johnson💎
Okay bye :)*

I put my phone to the side and just stare at the ceiling, I don't wanna go home I'll miss everyone so much even Shawn. I miss hanging out with him, maybe I went over board but I really liked him. I pick up my phone again and send Sorry to Shawn, I should be used to it by now anyways.

"Wanna go to the arcade?" Mahogany asks

"But we will only have like 30 minutes" I state


"Okay yeah your right" I laugh as we both get up ad head to the arcade.

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