Chapter #1

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The morning sun cast a warm, golden glow over the cozy two-story wizarding house that Alexia Jackson called home. Nestled in a picturesque corner of their village, the house had a charming appearance with its brick walls and a cheerful garden filled with vibrant, enchanted flowers and red roses. Ivy clung to the exterior, giving the house a whimsical touch.

Inside, the kitchen was a welcoming haven, bathed in natural light. The wooden table was set with a simple yet hearty breakfast spread, and the comforting aroma of freshly brewed tea wafted through the air. Alexia, a 13-year-old witch with glossy black hair that cascaded down her back, sat at the table with her mother, their laughter blending seamlessly with the cheerful ambiance.

"Lexi, dear," her mother, Isadora Jackson, inquired with a smile, using her affectionate nickname for Alexia, "have you double-checked that you've packed everything you need for Diagon Alley?"

Alexia nodded enthusiastically, her green eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Yes, Mum! My robes, books, wand, and my new Firebolt are all packed and ready to go. I even remembered to bring a few Chocolate Frogs for the journey!"

Her mother's eyes shone with pride as she handed her a plate of perfectly toasted bread. "You're becoming quite responsible, Lexi. I'm sure you'll have a fantastic day. Just remember to stay safe and look after yourself."

With a playful salute and a mischievous grin, Alexia replied, "Don't worry, Mum. I'll be."

After their delightful breakfast, mother and daughter stepped outside. The house, flanked by enchanting gardens and a white picket fence, exuded warmth and charm. The neighboring houses were equally whimsical, each with its unique magical touches.

As they strolled through their muggle-free village, the tight-knit community welcomed the pair with warmth. Wizards and witches went about their daily business, performing small feats of magic. In one garden, colorful Gnomes were being charmed away by a grinning witch. In another, a group of wizard children rode broomsticks in playful races.

Their neighbor, Mrs. Fletcher, leaned over her garden fence, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Off to Diagon Alley again, are you, Lexi?" Alexia nodded with a grin. "Yes, Mrs. Fletcher. I'm meeting my friends there to catch up before we all head to Hogwarts."

 "Well, dear, have a wonderful day. Make sure to say hello to your friends for me."

With promises to send owls and visit during the holidays, Alexia and her mother continued down the cobbled path. The village was alive with the hum of magic, enchanting storefronts, and hidden alleyways tucked away from Muggle's eyes.

As they strolled toward the Floo Powder station, Alexia's mother noticed a 13-year-old Hufflepuff girl with rosy cheeks and bright eyes approaching. The girl's gaze was fixed intently on Alexia, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Hello, Alexia," she greeted, her voice slightly shaky but friendly. "I, um, wanted to thank you again for helping me with that Transfiguration homework over the summer. You were a lifesaver." Alexia, ever the friendly and helpful soul, grinned. "Not a problem at all Emily! I'm always happy to help a fellow student."

As the Hufflepuff girl blushed and stuttered her gratitude, Isadora watched the interaction with amusement, a small smile on her face. She couldn't help but giggle softly, knowing her daughter was completely oblivious to the affectionate glances and bashful admiration being showered upon her.

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