Chapter #6

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Alexia Jackson had already crossed paths with Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and Ron Weasley during their first year at Hogwarts, but they were not yet friends. It was a fateful night that changed everything.

One evening, a sense of curiosity led Alexia to the girls' bathroom on the third floor of Hogwarts. Little did she know, she would stumble upon a terrifying scene.

Inside the bathroom, a massive troll had somehow found its way into the castle. It was a danger to anyone who crossed its path.

To her shock, Alexia discovered Hermione Granger, alone and in peril, facing the troll. 

Hermione had gone to the bathroom after Ron Weasley had said some mean things about her.

Without hesitation, Alexia sprang into action. She knew that Hermione needed help. Summoning all her courage, she approached the troll and used a simple spell to divert its attention away from Hermione.

Just as she managed to get the troll's attention, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley arrived on the scene. They had heard about the troll and, concerned for their friend Hermione, had rushed to the bathroom to find her. When they entered, they found Alexia bravely standing between Hermione and the troll, her wand in hand.

Working together, the three of them managed to subdue the troll and save Hermione from harm. In the process, Alexia, Harry, Hermione, and Ron forged a bond that went beyond mere acquaintances. They had faced a life-threatening situation together, and it had brought them closer than ever.

From that night forward, Alexia, Hermione, Harry, and Ron became inseparable friends. They discovered shared interests, faced challenges together, and learned to rely on one another. Little did they know that this newfound friendship would be the start of countless adventures and a destiny none of them could have foreseen.

---End of Flashback---

The anticipation for the first trip to Hogsmeade had been building for weeks. 

The entire Gryffindor common room buzzed with excitement, everyone discussing the places they wanted to visit and the sweets they intended to buy. Alexia was no exception, eagerly joining in the conversation with Ron, and Hermione. They had all been looking forward to this day. Although she feels guilty.

Harry's mood was far from festive. He sat quietly on the common room couch, next to his friends an expression of disappointment on his face. He didn't have the signed permission form, which meant he couldn't go to Hogsmeade.

Noticing his gloomy demeanor, Alexia decided to take the plan she had in her head since last week into action. She glanced at her friends and, with a mischievous glint in her eye, announced, "I've just realized I forgot my signed form at home." Hermione and Ron exchanged surprised glances.

They knew Alexia had been eagerly looking forward to the Hogsmeade trip, they were literally talking about it ten seconds ago, so her sudden announcement was unexpected. 

But before they could say anything, Professor McGonagall entered the common room asking for the form of the few students who hadn't given it to her et.

"Excuse me, Professor," Alexia said, standing up and approaching her with a sheepish smile. "I'm so sorry, but I forgot my signed Hogsmeade form at home. Is there any way I can still go?"

Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow in surprise but then let out a soft sigh. "Miss Jackson, you should have been more responsible. But rules are rules, and I cannot make an exception."

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