Chapter #2

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The Great Hall buzzed with excitement as the first-year students gathered at the front of the room, their eyes fixed on the old, frayed Sorting Hat resting on a stool. 

It was that time of year again, and the Sorting Ceremony was about to begin. Among the new students stood Alexia Jackson, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and nervousness.

Alexia had grown up hearing stories about her parents, even though she never truly knew her father. 

Her mother, a proud Gryffindor, had always regaled her with tales of her adventures at Hogwarts. But her father, a mysterious Slytherin whose identity remained shrouded in secrecy, had always been a source of intrigue and curiosity.

The professors at the head table exchanged worried looks as the Sorting Hat seemed to hesitate longer than usual. 

Even Albus Dumbledore, the wise and knowing headmaster, arched an eyebrow. He had seen many Sorting Ceremonies, but this one appeared to be different.

Alexia, oblivious to the growing tension, felt a pang of uncertainty as the hat continued to murmur and shuffle through her thoughts.

"Ah, Miss Jackson," it whispered in her ear, a hint of amusement in its voice. "A complex one, you are. Courageous, daring, and yet... ambitious. You could do well in Slytherin, where your cunning and resourcefulness would shine."

Alexia's eyes darted around the room as she felt a bit of unease ripple through her. She had always thought herself destined for Gryffindor, but the Sorting Hat's words were making her doubt.

"But wait," the Sorting Hat continued, its voice growing more thoughtful. "There's something else within you, something rare. A deep sense of loyalty and selflessness, a willingness to stand up for what's right. Yes, there's bravery here too, and not the ordinary kind. This is... something truly special."

Alexia's brow furrowed as the Sorting Hat seemed to struggle with her decision.

Sat at the Gryffindor table was Harry Potter himself, watching the scene unfold with rapt attention, he had already been sorted into Gryffindor and was intrigued by the Sorting Hat's apparent unusual hesitation.

"Where shall I place you?" it mused, as if debating with itself. "Slytherin or Gryffindor? Ambition or courage? Well, Miss Jackson, you have qualities that could thrive in both houses, but I believe your heart lies in..." With a resolute sigh, the Sorting Hat finally shouted out its decision. "Gryffindor!"

A cheer erupted from the Gryffindor table as Alexia, her heart still pounding, removed the hat and joined her new housemates. As she sat down at the table, she couldn't help but smile. The Sorting Hat's struggle had been evident, but in the end, it had recognized the unique blend of qualities that made her who she was—a true Gryffindor.

-End of Flashback-

Harry's room in the Leaky Cauldron was small, but it was cozy. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Alexia found themselves gathered together, sitting on the worn-out bed, eager to discuss the peculiar conversation they'd overheard earlier that night.

Ron scratched his head, breaking the silence, "Did anyone else find it weird the way my parents and Lexi's mother were talking? They looked as if they had seen a ghost when they saw us."

Alexia exchanged an intrigued glance with Ron. "Yeah, it was strange. And the way they quickly changed the topic... It's almost like they're hiding something from us."

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