Chapter #19

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The air in Hogwarts was charged with anticipation, an electric buzz that seemed to ripple through the ancient stones of the castle. Whispers of excitement echoed through the grand halls as students prepared for the highly anticipated Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. The rivalry between the two houses fueled the atmosphere with a mix of friendly competition and spirited camaraderie.

Students clad in their respective house colors in the Great Hall gathered for a hearty pre-game feast. The tables were adorned with platters of delicious food.

As the students finished their meals, the buzz of conversation intensified, filling the hall with a crescendo of voices discussing strategies, making predictions, and expressing unwavering support for their favorite teams. Excited faces turned towards the enchanted ceiling, watching the stormy sky.

Outside on the Quidditch pitch, the brisk air carried the scent of damp grass and the promise of an exhilarating match. The stands were filling up with students, and teachers. The Quidditch hoops stood tall and imposing at either end of the pitch, the Quaffles and Bludgers ready for the impending action.

In the Gryffindor backstage room, the team gathered for a final pep talk. Captain Oliver Wood's voice echoed with determination, instilling confidence in his teammates. The room echoed with the clinking of Quidditch gear and the shared excitement of the Gryffindor players.

The room seemed to vibrate with the energy of the impending match, and as the storm clouds gathered, the enchanted candles in the room lit up, casting a warm glow on the stone walls.

As the storm outside mirrored the brewing excitement, Harry and Alexia finished putting their respective protecting for the game.

Harry adjusted the strap of his Quidditch gloves, looking at Alexia with a determined yet friendly gaze. "Ready for the match, Lex?" he asked, a grin playing on his lips.

Alexia, already wearing her Quidditch robes, nodded with a confident smile. "Absolutely, Harry. Ravenclaw won't know what hit them. We've got this."

The warmth of friendship and shared purpose filled the air as they exchanged a supportive nod. 

"Good luck out there, Seeker," Alexia teased, giving Harry a playful nudge.Harry chuckled, appreciating the light-hearted banter. "And may you score as many goals as possible, Chaser."

Their eyes locked for a brief moment, conveying a sense of trust and mutual respect. The air crackled with the unspoken connection between them. As they prepared to leave for the Quidditch pitch, Harry extended his hand for a friendly shake.

"Side by side?" Harry proposed a twinkle in his eyes.

Alexia grinned, shaking his hand firmly. "Side by side."

With that phrase echoing, they headed toward the Quidditch pitch, ready to face the storm together—both literally and figuratively.

The Quidditch pitch was alive with the electrifying energy of the Gryffindor-Ravenclaw match. 

The stormy weather added an extra layer of excitement as the players soared through the air, weaving in and out of raindrops and gusts of wind. Alexia, positioned as one of the Chasers, had just scored her third goal with impressive precision.

As she celebrated the goal, Alexia couldn't help but notice Harry's peculiar behavior. He seemed to be going easy on Ravenclaw's Seeker, Cho Chang. Frowning, she quickly navigated her broom toward him, flying alongside him with determination.

"Harry, what are you doing? Don't go soft on Cho Chang just because she's—"

But before she could finish her scolding, Harry interrupted with a defensive tone. "Easy for you to say. If this was Hermione, you'd do the same thing."

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