Chapter #5

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It had been a few days since the incident with Buckbeak and Draco Malfoy's injury. While the Slytherin student was milking his injury for all it was worth, Alexia and Harry returned to their regular Quidditch practices. The upcoming match against Slytherin was postponed due to Draco's alleged condition, and both Gryffindor players were itching for some action in the air.

After every practice, Alexia generously allowed Harry and Ron to take her Firebolt for a spin. Flying had always been a source of joy and freedom for them, and with the sleek, high-speed broomstick, the experience was exhilarating. The wind whistled past them as they soared high above the Quidditch pitch, performing daring dives and loops.

"Harry, mate, this is brilliant!" Ron yelled, his red hair tousled by the wind.

Harry grinned, feeling the adrenaline rush through his veins. "Yeah, it's amazing, Ron! Thanks, Lex!" He called out to their friend, who was watching them from below.

Alexia waved back, a contented smile as she saw the joy on her friends' faces. Flying on her Firebolt was an incredible experience, but sharing that thrill with her best friends made it even better.

It was now lunchtime and the group of friends were feeling extra excited for their Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

The class was held in the afternoon, and the students filed into the classroom, eager to see what their new professor had in store for them.

Professor Lupin began the lesson with a warm smile. "Good afternoon, class. Today, we'll be learning about Boggarts and how to combat them."

Alexia, Harry, and the rest of the students listened attentively as Professor Lupin explained what Boggarts were, shape-shifters that took on the form of a person's greatest fear.

"Now, the key to dealing with a Boggart is the laugh," Lupin said. "And that's where the spell Riddikulus comes in. It's essential to think of something humorous when facing a Boggart."

One by one, the class stood in front of the closet hiding the Boggart, Neville was the first one.

Nobody was surprised when they saw Professor Snape walking towards Neville, but then the whole class burst into laughter when Neville managed to use the Riddikulus spell on it, changing Professor Snape's usual dark attire to Neville's grandma's attire. 

The class continued, it was by far the best Defense Against the Dark Arts class they had ever had.

Harry and Alexia stood in front of the cupboard, the Boggart inside of it, both a bit nervous but determined to face their fears.

Since they were the last two, they decided to play rock, paper, and scissors to determine who would go first. After a quick round, Harry's triumphant grin told Alexia that he had won.

"Alright, Harry, you're up," Alexia said, trying to sound encouraging.

Harry took a deep breath, stepped forward, and faced the Boggart. As expected, it transformed into a Dementor, its dark, hooded figure looming over him. Harry's face paled as he relived the terrifying feeling of hopelessness and despair.

Professor Lupin quickly intervened, standing in front of Harry. The creature transformed, changing into a harmless white balloon, much to everyone's relief. Harry let out a nervous chuckle, glad that the Dementor was gone.

"Nice one, Harry," Alexia said, giving him a reassuring pat on the back as Professor Lupin ended the class.

Harry smiled back at her, appreciative of her support, feeling a bit embarrassed as he was the only one who couldn't fight the Boggart.

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