Chapter #3

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The Great Hall buzzed with excitement as students from all four houses chatted eagerly, their voices echoing off the enchanted ceiling.

The four friends, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Alexia, sat at the Gryffindor table, eagerly awaiting the feast to begin while watching the performance of the Hogwarts choir.

"Welcome, welcome, to another year at Hogwarts", Headmaster Dumbledor begins after the round of applause for the choir dies down. "Now, I'd like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast." Dumbledore continues, "First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J Lupin, who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, professor."

The Great Hall was filled with the sound of applause as Hermione gave her friends a knowing look.

"Of course-", She begins while applauding, "that's why he knew to give you the chocolate, Harry."

Alexia rolls her eyes, as she notices Draco Malfoy calling Harry.

"Potter, Potter.", the school year has just begun but Alexia Jackson was already tired of Draco Malfoy, "Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted?"

"Shut off, Malfoy."

Ron says. Alexia, who was sitting next to Hermione, noticed Draco's smug expression and decided to respond uniquely. With a casual wave of her left hand, she sent Draco's empty goblet sliding across the table, hitting him on the head.

Draco yelped in surprise and annoyance. He looked around, trying to determine the source of the mishap.

She chuckles, unaware of the look Hermione is giving her.

Hermione leaned over and whispered to Alexia, "Did you do that?"

Alexia smirked mischievously. "Maybe."

Ron chuckled, and Harry couldn't help but grin. Draco's sputtering attempts to play it cool became a minor spectacle, but the friends quickly turned their attention back to the headmaster as Dumbledore returned his welcoming speech.

The group of friends cheer again after Dumbledore presents their new Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Rubeus Hagrid.

Dumbledore mentioned, in less exciting news, how the Dementors will be around Hogwarts until Sirius Black is back in Azkaban.

Soon enough, the feast began and, the friends filled their plates with the delicious food.

Hermione, stealing glances at the girl sitting next to her, thinking about the wandless magic she just performed minutes ago, even more impressive, it was non-verbally magic. Simple, but still impressive.

The welcome feast at Hogwarts had been splendid, as usual, with all the delicious food and students catching up after the summer break. As Alexia, Harry, Ron, and Hermione left the Great Hall, their bellies full and spirits high, Seamus and Dean Thomas, fellow Gryffindors, approached them.

"Hey, Lex, heard you got the new Firebolt," Seamus said, a curious glint in his eyes.

Alexia nodded, feeling a mix of pride and discomfort, she didn't want to make a fuss about it but at the same time felt she needed to give her mother the recognition she deserved after working extra hours for days. "Yeah, it's a fantastic broom. My mother worked really hard to get it for me over the summer when I told her I was joining the Quidditch team."

Dean chimed in, "Can we see it? You know, take a look?"

Alexia hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to come across as boastful, but her friends' eagerness was hard to ignore. "Sure, why not?"

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