Chapter #7

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After the feast is over, the four friends begin their way back to the Common Room, they are animated, with Alexia showing her new Quidditch book to Harry and Ron. Hermione listens with interest but doesn't share their level of enthusiasm for the sport.

Alexia, her eyes gleaming with excitement, flips through the book, explaining various Quidditch strategies, famous matches, and the history of the sport at Hogwarts. She occasionally glances at Ron and Harry, knowing they're as passionate about Quidditch as she is, and she loves seeing their eyes light up.

As they approach the entrance to Gryffindor Tower, they notice Neville and several other Gryffindors congregating around the Fat Lady Portrait. The Fat Lady herself is conspicuously absent, which is unusual for this time of day.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Alexia exchange puzzled glances before joining the group around the portrait. They listen in on a conversation between Neville and Dean Thomas, who are trying to understand what happened. Apparently, the Fat Lady had been attacked by someone. The news sends a shiver down everyone's spine, and they wonder about the identity of the attacker and the circumstances of the attack.

The four friends soon attract the attention of their fellow Gryffindors, and the group begins to discuss the incident and its potential implications. Their sense of unease grows as they realize that Hogwarts, usually a place of safety, might now be vulnerable to threats from the outside world... And more after the information about the attacker is revealed.

Alexia, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are standing there, surprised by the news of Sirius Black's attack. Professor Dumbledore, with his calm demeanor, instructs the professors to look for the Fat Lady.

As the professors walk away, the group of friends starts to discuss what happened. They're all concerned about Harry's safety, especially with the knowledge that Sirius Black is out there, believed to be a dangerous fugitive. Hermione looks particularly worried, and Ron and Alexia share anxious glances.

Professor Dumbledore, before leaving, tells the students that extra precautions are being taken to ensure their safety, and he reminds them to be vigilant and follow the safety measures in place.

This incident has cast a shadow over the usually lively atmosphere at Hogwarts. As the group of friends finally makes their way to the Gryffindor Common Room, just momentarily, to change into their pajamas as they are told all students will be sleeping in the Great Hall.


After the news about the Fat Lady's attack, the students are gathered in the Great Hall, where they'll spend the night for safety as the professors and Prefects keep guard in case Sirius Black decides to attack again.

 Alexia, Harry, Ron, and Hermione find a spot together, planning to sleep as a group. However, the situation inside the Great Hall is chaotic, with students scrambling for sleeping spots. Just as Hermione is about to settle down next to Alexia, a certain Hufflepuff girl takes the spot next to her instead.

Hermione looks taken aback and slightly flustered as she's left standing. She watches with a mix of confusion and jealousy as the Hufflepuff girl chats enthusiastically with Alexia, and is oblivious to the slight smirk on both Harry and Ron's faces. It's evident that Hermione isn't pleased with this arrangement, but she takes the other free spot next to Harry anyway.

"If it helps... I'm pretty sure Lexi wanted to sleep next to you too." Whispered Harry, giggling softly as Hermione blushed and rolled over.

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