Chapter #10

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--- Flashback---

The air of the Potion class was filled with the familiar aroma of various magical ingredients and bubbling cauldrons, and the room was abuzz with the soft chatter of students. Isadora and Severus were known to be the best students in their respective houses when it came to Potions, and their dedication was evident in the way they worked meticulously on their assignments.

As they meticulously measured out powdered moonstone, Lily Evans joined them with a warm smile, setting her cauldron down and settling into her seat. She greeted her friends with enthusiasm.

"Hello, my brilliant Potions partners!" Lily said cheerfully. "What are we brewing today?"

Severus, his long hair hanging in front of his face, grinned and pushed it back behind his ear. "A complex Elixir of Dreamless Sleep," he replied, taking the lead in explaining the potion's properties.

Isadora nodded in agreement, her bright eyes gleaming with interest. "Indeed, it's one of the most challenging brews, but I have no doubt we'll get it right."

Lily began to chop some daisy roots, the corners of her mouth lifting as she caught her friends' excitement. "Well, I have a feeling we'll outperform everyone in this class as usual. Teamwork, right?"

Their friendship shone through as they collaborated seamlessly, and the atmosphere in the classroom seemed lighter and brighter. Even in the challenging world of Potions, their bond made everything feel a little easier. As they worked together, they shared stories, laughed, and made the most of the time they had.

--- End of Flashback ---

The second weekend of December arrived, and the Gryffindor quartet eagerly anticipated their visit to Isadora's home. She had recently returned from a trip and requested that they spend the weekend with her before she had to leave again, Headmaster Dumbledore, agreed with this request happily.

As they left their final class of the day, the four friends exchanged excited glances. Alexia, Hermione, Harry, and Ron gathered their belongings, chattering away about what they hoped the weekend would hold. For Alexia, it was an opportunity to spend more time with her mother, Isadora. For the others, it was a chance to relax and enjoy some time away from the castle.

Their anticipation grew as Professor McGonagall approached them. She had agreed to accompany them to a nearby Floo Powder station that would transport them to Avalon's End.

"Are you all ready?" Professor McGonagall asked, her stern demeanor softened by the warmth in her eyes.

The quartet nodded eagerly. "Yes, Professor," Alexia replied, excitement dancing in her eyes.With that, they followed their Transfiguration professor toward the Floo Powder station, ready to embark on a memorable weekend adventure.

The four friends stepped into the Floo Powder station, excitement bubbling in the air. Ron and Harry were the first to step into the fireplace, waving goodbye to Professor McGonagall, each taking a handful of Floo Powder and clearly enunciating, "Avalon's End!" They vanished into the emerald flames with a whooshing sound, leaving a trail of bright green sparks in their wake.

Next were Hermione and Alexia, they thanked their professor and followed Ron and Harry's example, speaking the destination with precision. The flames enveloped them, carrying them away with the same exhilarating rush. For a brief moment, they were surrounded by a whirlwind of emerald fire, and then, as the flames began to die down, they found themselves stepping out of the fireplace into a quaint, wizarding village.

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